Don t Mess With Bounty Hunters

Title: Don t Mess With Bounty Hunters
Author: Jodo "Jodo Kast17" Kast
Date: Jun 30, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (12) Death Star Coruscant Tatooine Audience Chamber Jabba’s Dungeon Great Pit of Carkoon Cantina Docking Bay 94 Jundland Wastes Spaceport Docking Bay Meditation Chamber DS War Room

Characters (16) Boba Fett (CC) Jodo Kast IG-88 w Riot Gun 4-LOM w Concussion Rifle Dengar w Blaster Carbine Bossk w Mortar Gun Jabba the Hutt Ephont Mon Mara Jade Bane Malar Djas Puhr Ree-Yees Beedo Dr Evazan Ponda Baba Brangus Glee

Starships (6) Bossk in Bus Executor Fett in Slave 1 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Jabba’s Space Cruiser Jabba’s Sail Barge

Creatures (2) Sarlacc Bubo

Interrupts (11) Hidden Weapons x2 Elis Helrot Jabba’s Through With You Twi’lek Advisor x2 None Shall Pass x2 Lone Pilot Imperial Barrier Double Back

Effects (8) All Wrapped Up First Strike Security Precautions Resistance Battle Order Secret Plans Bounty x2

Weapons/Devices (4) Dengar’s Modified Riot Gun Feltipern Trevagg’s Stun Rifle Dr. Evazan’s Sawed-off Blaster Mara’s Stick

Objective Court of the Vile Gangster ‘

Strategy: ‘

I start out by pulling all wrapped up with twi’lek. I can pull out docking bays to reach my opponent, and if they are in space, i’ll pull out my independant ships. I can easilly pull out the many bounty hunters very quickly and begin to rampage across the table. Elis for a quick battle, then get back to Tatooine using the docking bays. I can attack with vader or mara and thier sabers to kill my opponents stronghold. Toss in one or two bounty hunters during the fight and anyone who dies is captured. The imperial barriers and none shall pass should protect my characters from an EPP beat down. Bounties give me force retrieval, as does the sarlacc. The bubo is great for getting rid of those annoying undercover spies, or anyone who happens to get too close. Of course, security precautions is in there for hidden base, although i shouldn’t have much trouble with my ships.’