Til Death Star do us part

Title: Til Death Star do us part
Author: Paul "Lemag" Hodges
Date: Jun 30, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(9) Yavin 4 Throne Room Jungle Farm Yavin 4 War Room Hoth War Room Dagobah Yoda’s hut Rendezvous Point Cloud City Guest Quarters Cloud City Carbonite Chamber

Characters(21) Elom x12 Bothan Spy x2 EPP Luke x2 EPP Han x2 EPP Leia Wedge Leesub

Starships(4) Tantive IV Spiral Gold Leader in Gold 1 Lando in Falcon

Interrupts(10) Grimtaash Houjix Carefull Planning Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x4 Signal x3

Effects(16) Wise Advice x2 Push x3 Bargaining Table x2 Never Tell Me The Odds x6 Batlle Plan Traffic Control Yarna D’al Gargan

Strategy: ‘

This deck works for one reason almost every dark deck must play imperial on the ground to be effective.

Start the usual yavin start, like mains, but no swamp. I start Jungle for the drain -1 and the alien power bonuses, and because swamp is useless with no Nudj’s in my deck and with a lot of people playing Battle Order. Drop 3 Eloms and an Odds as fast as you can to the jungle unless you see something better to do. Catch or poke Torture with the Pushes and Leesub. Drop the EPP squad together for 3 destinies and 3 shots. Remember to regenerate with the chimes in mid to late game. This deck basically revolves around the player reacting to each individual scenario. I have lost only one or two games with this deck and I have played it for two years or more, however my good freind lost two out of three with it at Dantooine regionals this year.

Anyway, against the major deck archtypes

Hunt Down I played against “Hoostino’s” high destiny Hunt Down deck at regionals. MY destiny ended up being too much for his deck in the many battles. The 3 tortures they pack don’t come close to stopping the Odds. Get your Bothan Spy down fast with some Eloms and sit on the Visage site. If they come to battle you off, you will win the game easily, if they spread, drop battle plan and bargaining table and wait for the Odds to kill them with your draining. They spread too thin for resistance, you come down with the hurt. This is the deck that you want to play against.

ISB Vesden is your only problem. As long as he stays off the board you will be fine remember he is an imperial, get HUGE power and make them pay for playing him. Don’t get trampled too much by the walkers, try to stay inside. Use Battle Plan to it’s fullest.

Rops Come down to their planet. Eloms are designed to beat imperials. With odds, battle plan and your big power you will be fine.

Ops The only Operative deck I have seen that are viable use imperials. You can and will outpower them. If you are concerned about beating this deck, add Ambush so you can send their crap back to the used pile, plus it will also serve as undercover protection. I have never had troble with ops because you are fast like they are and not so dependant on draining. Unless they play some lower destiny characters you will kill them with power.

“Main Course” Mains with Set Your Course for Alderaan. Drop the eloms and the bothan spy on the DS War Room and may the battles begin. No walkers + two destiny for you when you initiate= you win. Make sure they don’t set up resistance on you. If you use the EPPs well you shouldn’t have to worry about it.

The major deck to worry about is a Wakelmui TIE deck like my good friend “Cameo” and his Fear TIEs.

Court shouldn’t give you much trouble if you pounce with the EPPs once they set up resistance. If they don’t set up resistance they are dead.

All comments and advice readily accepted. Have fun, you have a few weeks to play it if you want. ‘