Hunt Down- Luke Likes Being Evil 3 0

Title: Hunt Down- Luke Likes Being Evil 3 0
Author: Brandon "Jago257" Romano
Date: Jul 6, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/ Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe Executor Holotheatre Executor Meditation Chamber Visage Of The Emperor Twi’lek Advisor Crush The Rebellion Epic Duel

Characters 3x Darth Vader 2x Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Darth Vader With Lightsaber 3x Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand 2x Grand Moff Tarkin Dengar With Blaster Carbine Bane Malar Dannik Jerriko IG-88 with Riot Gun

Vehicles Blizzard 2

Starships Boba Fett in Slave I Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Death Squadron Star Destroyer Executor

Weapons 2x Vader’s Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Locations Cloud City Port Town District

Interrupts 4x Vader’s Obsession 3x The Circle Is Now Complete 2x Focussed Attack 4x Elis Helrot 2x You Are Beaten 3x I Have You Now Lone Warrior It’s Worse

Effects 2x Reactor Terminal 3x Visage Of The Emperor Security Precautions Presence of the Force ‘

Strategy: ‘

Don’t mark me off because of my strategy, it is basically the same against all decks and is very simple. I will explain some things that my be questionable.

VS most decks(land based, eg mains, PROFIT, OPS, etc…)

Get down Vader to an opponet’s location(since they are so nice to usually put one out). Get down various other characters, drain, battle, and use nifty interrupts to destroy in battle. Duel with Mara and Vader, use the Vader Tarkin combo for duels and Foccussed Attack.

Profit Start Mara + Dannik in Audience Chamber, pull her saber 1st turn, get Vader down second turn(or 1st if Vaders Obsession was in opening hand) Draw up 1st turn to get a Vaders Obsession, since there are 4 it is easy to get. Duel Luke ASAP and make them hurt, it’s very easy to win duels with these destinies.

HB Start Presence in Chamber, put vader there flip. Use the -2 on their battle destinies, and the text of Chamber to win battles in space. Get down those ships and S. Precautions. Deploy other characters on the ships for attrition fodder. -Beats em every time.

EBO Same strategy as HB minus S.precautions. Plus, get down Mara and Walker to Hoth.

Vs most other decks Start Crush, put down lots of characters, Elis around kill people and duel. Garrison one large squad against Rescue Princess and operatives at one site and kill them that way.

Only one location because of Presence in chamber vs space, and can deploy to opponets locations otherwise.

Sorry, I know this is lacking, but you know how it works, the only things I really needed to explain was profit start, 1 location, and the presence in chamber start. I hope that if you are reviewing decks, then you do have some common sense on the cards. Rate the deck, not the strategy notes.thanks a lot, God Bless.