Death Star II Enhanced Endor Ops

Title: Death Star II Enhanced Endor Ops
Author: Tim "DS-61-4" Linden
Date: Jul 7, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Endor Operations Endor Endor Bunker Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Prepared Defenses (Starting 3 Effects I’ll explain in stratagy section)

Locations Hoth Kashyyyk Kessel Kiffex Mon Calamari Nal Hutta Sullust Tatooine

Characters Admiral Chiraneau Admiral Piett Captain Godherdt Colonel Jendon Darth Vader Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Ephant Mon x2 Grand Moff Tarkin M’iiyoom Onith x3 Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

Starships Accuser Avenger Boba Fett In Slave I Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Chimaera Dengar In Punishing One Devastator Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser Executor IG-88 In IG-2000 Judicator Vengeance Visage Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Weapons Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber

Admiral’s Orders We’re in Attack Position

Effects Battle Order Imperial Arrest Order Imperial Decree Leave Them To Me Ominous Rumors Perimeter Patrol Presence Of The Force Reactor Terminal Search and Destroy Security Precautions Something Special Planned For Them

Interrupts Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us I’d Just As Soon Kiss A Wookiee Masterful Move’

Strategy: ‘

This deck has been made mostly to show the amount of power that Death Star II will bring to decks such as Endor Operations. Death Star II gives you another 2 drain location (Sullust) More Star Destroyers (Accuser, Chimaera, Judicator, Visage) Some more charecters that add 3 to the power of starships that they pilot (Admiral Chiraneau, Admiral Piett, Captain Godherdt, Colonel Jendon) As well as some other useful cards. Now let me explain the stratagy of this deck.

The basic Idea of this deck is to set up Endor with as few charecters as possible then use you power charecters, M’iiyoom Onith (who is safely sitting on Endor) and IJASKAW and other cards to slow them down while your force drains take effect. This decks effectiveness comes from its ability to take complete control of a game. Now for some specs.

VS. Ops I would probably start Battle Order, Imperial Decree and most importantly Leave Them to Me. Try to control one of their Locations as early as possible, that will shut down their deck and from there on it is a very easy win.

VS. Y4 Mains This will most likely be your most difficult matchup but you still should be able to pull through. Start IAO and Something Special Planned for them, try to hold every location that you can with a lot of strength to slow down their efforts to attack you, use M’iiyoom Onith to kill off their mains and drain at one or two sites until their life force is depleated to the point in which you can spread out a little more.

VS. There is still good in Him This deck may be hard to play against, but it is not impossible to beat, capture Luke, but Don’t transfer him to Vader and keep Vader away from him, or don’t deploy him at all, try to out drain your opponent in space.

VS. Mind what you have learned Start IAO, Imperial Decree, try to get our Search and Destroy as early as possible. Try to out drain them quickly before they can flip and do their damage.

VS. Hidden Base. Start IAO, Battle Order and Imperial Decree. Try to set up a few drains on the ground with the sabers and at the same time battle them in space. If they flip, use Security Precautions to make them wish they hadn’t

Well that’s about it, good luck playing it.’