Why van melancon is 27 in the world

Title: Why van melancon is 27 in the world
Author: van "nocnalemeel" melancon
Date: Jul 12, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Start3 ISB Operations Twilek Coruscant

Characters 17 DVDLOTS x2 5d6 Officer Evax Admiral Ozzel Grand Moff Tarkin Septoid droid Outer Rim Scout x9 U3PO

Starships10 Executor Devastator Vengeance Avenger ZiMH DiP1 Boba in S1 Bossk in HT Dreadnaught x2

Vehicles2 Blizzard 2 Tempest 1

Interrupts7 Abyssin ornament x2 Those rebels won’t escape us You are beaten Point man Monnok Overwhelmed

Effects10 Oppresive enforcement Battle Order Security precautions Bright center Imperial decree lateral damage Secret plans den of thieves x2 undercover

Weapons1 Vader’s lightsaber

Locations10 Hoth definsive perimeter Hoth Kiffex Fondor Kashyyk Endor Kessel Tatooine Bespin Yavin

Strategy: ‘

Well,this is most defensive deck I have ever played, and to my suprise, one of the best. It is all about control and making your opponent play YOUR game. the only thing that gives me trouble in space is the Super-falcon/order to engage combo,which point man and overwhelmed have pretty much taken away….this is not a begginers deck and if you decide to play it, you have to be careful about when, why, and how much you deploy, as is the case w/ most good decks.You cannot be impatient or play to aggresively, which is often my problem…the undercover and u3po and 5d6 uasually wipe ground losses down to an acceptable level to win the game…Uh, i guess the deck is pretty self explanatory and if you have any questions, please put it in the review and i will try to address them….will add do or do not for tournament ‘