Decent Drazin

Title: Decent Drazin
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Oct 12, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Carbon Chamber Testing

Start Security Tower Carbonite Chamber Carbonite Chamber Console Surface Defense There Is No Try Secret Plans

Locations Audience Chamber Imp Holotable CC Casino x3

Characters Lando x2 DLOTS EPP Vader x2 Tarkin Fetts w/blaters x2 Drazin x3 Corporal Prescott Ephant Mon Dannik Jerriko

Mandalorian Armor

Bossk In Bus Dreadnought

Aii Aaaa Aiiiggggg Fear x2 Limited Resources Special Delivery x3 CC Sabacc x3 Trooper Sabacc x2 Expand the Empire Voyeur Imperial Arrest Order Twilek Advisor x2 Ghhk Torture Unexpected Interruption Oota Goota Solo Oppresive Enforcement Hell to Pay x2 Masterful Move Evader x2 Hidden Weapons x2 Battle Order Security Precautions ‘

Strategy: ‘

This version of Drazin is set to survive without having a captive. Against Hidden Base, you get to verify so just take note of the double systems and go probe there first. The sabaccs are also good for stealing xwings and getting rid of battleground systems. Against ops, just start battle order and go beat down with characters and recurring vaders -). I believe that this is currently the strongest Drazin there is now. One enemy is Noble Sacrifice, but that is why there are more then one ways to capture an additional character in this deck.’