7 s Beatdown

Title: 7 s Beatdown
Author: Ryan "IG-99" Hamre
Date: Jul 13, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Characters 2x ASP-707 (Ayesspee) 1x Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x Luke Skywalker 1x Lando With Blaster Pistol 1x Chewie With Blaster Rifle 1x Leia With Blaster Rifle 1x Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol 1x Yoda 2x Baragwin Devices 1x Luke’s Backpack 1x Electrobinoculars Effects 1x Traffic Control 1x Yoda’s Hope 1x Yarna d’al’ Gargan 1x Goo Nee Tay 1x Scrambled Transmission 1x Wise Advice [STARTING] 1x Ultimatum Jedi Tests 1x Size Matters Not 1x A Jedi’s Strength 1x Domain Of Evil 1x Great Warrior 1x It Is The Future You See Locations 1x Dagobah [STARTING] 1x Dagobah Jungle 1x Dagobah Swamp 1x Dagobah Training Area 1x Dagobah Yoda’s Hut 1x Cloud City Downtown Plaza 1x Endor Back Door Lost Interrupts 4x Surprise Assault 2x On The Edge 2x Transmission Terminated Objectives 1x Mind What You Have Learned Used Interrupts 3x It Could Be Worse 1x Quite A Mercenary 4x Yoda Stew 1x Shocking Information 1x Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes Used Or Starting Interrupts 2x The Signal Weapons 7x Ewok Catapult ‘

Strategy: ‘

Starting off, I would like to say this deck has AWSOME destiny avg. (about 4.45) so anything that you want high destiny for is no problem. Second I want to explain every card so you people won’t under-rate me. I have Yarna d’al’ Gargan in to protect all the multiple interupts. you already know about how to use if not it’s easy to find out. Baragwin, they’re only something to fall back on, so the deck doesn’t revolve around them, but they are very important to add. It Could Be Worse is a life saving card. build up on one of the two sites in the deck, the combo of characters make it very easy to control the site of your choice. with this deck you know where every card is by your 4 turn. The key to this deck is Yoda Stew. The Yoda’s Stew keep your hand small making Yarna more effective and keeping a somewhat big reserve, and they let you finish JT1 on your 2nd turn. Also if you draw some unwanted cards, or some sevens, you can just put them to good use by sticking them in your force pile. It also gets the drop on the dark side, one example is if he doesn’t see two force in your force pile he doesn’t expect you to play Quite A Mercinary when he plays Elis Helrot, well you get the point. Scrambled Transmission for a manipulator deck, whenever the opponent cancels a card with S/A (if he gets a low enough draw) goes to used pile because of wise advice. If he grapples the Shocking Information keep the males out of your hand by either deploying them or putting them in your force pile with Yoda Stew so you don’t lose from M’iiyoom Onith or just get out Goo Nee Tay. Stacking a 7 will be no problem with all the different cards you can stack with; Traffic Control, Yoda Stew (believe it or not,) ASP-707, and Electrobinoculars. Get The Back Door out ASAP Then deploy ASP-707 and Ewok Catapults, it’s easy to stack destinies this way, deploy Ewok Catapults and then on your next control phase place catapults on top of your reserve deck matching the amount of your ASP droids present. If for some reason he deploys a crap load of characters then just deploy no ability and keep the ASP/Catapult combo going. If he snipers on you have no problem retrieving him or using just one droid. Traffic control is in so that you don’t have rely on Yoda Stew (which is unique and only during the opponents turn) to get cards into your reserve. If the opponent plays CHYBC-Deploy Leia, Han, and Chewie to the Back Door, and Lando the Baragwins and Obi-Wan to CC. This will let you retrieve, and you can drain, while having a powerful hold on the two sites. Remember you have 7.75 turns to get all the characters and sites to achieve this before you finish JT5. One Quite A Mercinary to kill the DS with and hopefuly keep him from using Elis again. It also will keeps him from moving over to one of your two controled sites. Many decks don’t play with a grapple card so have fun abusing the load of interupts in here. If he happens to have 1 maybe 2, he’ll have a hard enough time figuring which one to actually grapple. If he grapples the It Could Be Worse then you still have 2 of On The Edge and 4 Surprise Assaults. I have 2 of The Signal, one starting and the other to get that one effect you can never seem to draw. When you finish JT4, setting up the table for the win will be a breeze. Don’t underestimate the power of It Could Be Worse, if the opponent plays It’s Worse then lose the force or use another It Could Be Worse. Don’t forget that It Could Be Worse is fun to use with Kamakazi attacks to make the DS lose from attrition and you don’t have to lose a thing, and then on your next turn start a battle again at the same site to a much smaller army. I have Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes for the destiny 5, and to get the Baragwin out ASAP. Also you can retrieve 2 force (OH BOY just what i always wanted.) Surprise Assault is great with this deck because of the high destiny, the opponent will lose, on average, 5-7 force from each one. Watch out for Set For Stun If he does return Luke to your hand retrieve the JT using an On The Edge and a 7. The electrobinoculars are a nicety that some people don’t like, but i like it. Electrobinoculars have been errated so don’t be a cheating ass about it. I have the non-epp obi-wan because the immunity to attrittion and having the option to move ability=1 characters away is better in this deck.

**Here is how to train with this deck**

OPPONENT’S 1ST TURN if you get a yoda’s stew (you will, God willing) use it YOUR 1ST TURN Search for training area, yoda, yoda’s hope, luke, luke’s backpack, and great warrior. deploy TURN 2 finish JT1 all you need to draw is a 4, easy. get jungle or bog clearing and JT3. deploy jungle or bog clearing and JT2, move phase move over to the jungle or bog clearing TURN 3 finish JT2 all you need is a 3 again. deploy JT3 on jungle. Get swamp and JT5. the site order should now look like this–

Training Grounds/Jungle or Bog Clearing/Swamp

TURN 4 deploy the yoda’s hut right next to the swamp. finish JT3. TURN 5 deploy JT4 and move over TURN 6 pass and deploy JT5 TURN 7 attempt TURN 8 end of turn finish JT5 get your stacked 7

**End the Jedi Training Training**

This is the best way to play the LS training deck. It is quick and easy. also don’t forget that from the DS’s 3rd turn and on he has no force drain bonuses. With all the crap cards in here to kill the dark side with it’ll be hard not to smile while declairing “Interrupt”

VS Hunt Down-Go with the flow. Play Transmission Terminated ASAP. Cancel the drains w/ ICBW and Surprise Assualt. This will be an easy win for the LS. And then on top of that all the retrieval and the lovely destiny 7 will kill the opponent all the more. It’d be fun to hit Vader with ECC Chewie.

VS ROps or any other Ops-What can he do? Drains of 1 on Ralltiir or subjugated planet and huge losses with Surprise Assault, ICBW for other force loss, if any. Flipping your objective will be easy to do before he flies over to Dagobah with some special task force.

VS Court-Don’t deploy to Tatooine at all unless absolutly positive of a large gain. ICBW for space drains. Watch out for a gung-ho attack on Dagobah. This will be a good game. Good play is a must against a good court deck. Get CC out and drain for 2, Surprise Assault will be especially effective against the draining bounty hunters on ground.

VS Ties-ICBW and Flip quick. Since tie swarms are not very common rest easy. Just in case though it will be a hard victory. Have fun playing Surprise Assault, you get to draw massive destiny, and the ties may have low power depending on the deck. Make sure to drain at CC and the Back Door.

VS Manipulator-Eat him alive. Very easy game. Scrambled Trans then sit and train, play shocking revelation when needed. Play Goo Nee Tay, to use M’iiyoom he’ll have to cancel GNT to use him. All the while Goo Nee Tay goes straight to your used pile if it’s canceled, then you can get it out again and he’ll have to cancel it all over again. Use Yoda Stew to keep male characters out of your hand, or just deploy them to your 2 sites.

VS Dark Deal-This’ll be a long, hard game. Flipping your objective will happen about 3 turns after Dark Deal comes into play. Play careful Drain at the Back Door. Deploy to CC at your own risk. The force retrieval and Surprise Assault will be the decisive victors. To be on the safe side, play ICBW’s before Dark Deal and all the Surprise Assaults after.

This deck is user-friendly and very all-around, meaning it can rip many diferent types of decks an new hole. If you don’t know what you’re doing, my in-depth explanation should lead you well on your way to victory. Always keep your head in the game, it can decide the whether you are the victor or the loser. Look for a new posting of this deck after DSII comes out officially. have fun. Remember, at any given point, at any given time during the game, you will always know what is in your reserve. going on this you can get any card into your hand. Don’t forget to read the Special DSII Training Preview using The Way Of Things below

**Special DSII Training Preview using The Way Of Things**

I want everyone to read this, when the DSII set comes out training will be ultra-easy. PyroStrife, first off i would like to say your posted article was pretty good. i thought some of your ideas were good and they’ll lead to better stratagem. about the paragraph or two on the new effect The Way Of Things. it’s awsome, and you can finish the 5th jedi test in 6 turns not 7. A major setback though is not being able to play Surprise Assault - ( For some people they won’t even play this effect because of that. you’ll need the 4 Yoda Stew, and Luke Skywalker (not DOS) to achieve this.

Start MWYHL, Dagobah, Heading For The Medical Frigate , Wise Advice, The Way Of Things, and any other qualifying effect.

OPPONENT’S 1ST TURN if you get a yoda’s stew (you will, God willing) use it YOUR 1ST TURN Search for training area, yoda, yoda’s hope, luke, luke’s backpack, and great warrior. deploy TURN 2 finish JT1 all you need to draw is a 4, easy. get jungle or bog clearing and JT3. deploy jungle or bog clearing and JT2, move phase move over to the jungle or bog clearing TURN 3 finish JT2 all you need is a 3 again. Get swamp and JT5. the site order should now look like this–

Training Grounds/Jungle or Bog Clearing/Swamp

deploy JT3 and pass immediatly. Deploy JT4 and move over to the swamp TURN 4 finish JT4. deploy the yoda’s hut right next to the swamp. Put JT5 on the hut and move over, start planning on stacking the 7. TURN 5 turn luke upside down TURN 6 end of turn finish JT5 get your stacked 7

I only explained how to finish the JT in 6 turns, don’t forget to be doing all the other important actions as well. also don’t forget to activate the 1 force and search for the Jedi Tests during the DS’s turn. Also if the opponent moves JT2 towards you in this example you lose a turn and the finish JT5 in 7 turns not 6. The 1 force makes up for the late Yoda’s Hut deployment. If for some reason Murphy’s Law plays a big part of the game, don’t worry, even if it takes you 8 turns to pass (it’ll be a rare occasion) you’ll still be in good shape. I also included the specs on the DSII Jedi Test #6-

You Must Confront Vader D=6 Jedi Test #6 *{Deploy} on Table. {Target} a Skywalker who has completed Jedi Test #5. While Target on Dagobah, “Move Phase” on Save You It Can may be treated as “Deploy Phase”. Until Jedi Test completed, battles you initiate at Vader’s site are canceled and opponent loses 2 Force at start of your turn unless Vader is at a battleground site. {Attempt} during your move phase when Vader with Target (even as a non-frozen captive). Vader and target duel Each player draws destiny. Add ability. Highest total wins. If target wins, test completed {Leave} on table. Add one battle destiny in every battle. Also, target is immune to attrition <5.

**End Special DSII Training Preview using The Way Of Things**

Any Question or Comments are greatly appreciated, just e-mail me at IG_99@swcards.com ‘