The Blue Deal

Title: The Blue Deal
Author: Jodo "Jodo Kast17" Kast
Date: Jul 15, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective This Deal is Getting Worse All The Time

Locations (8) Bespin Cloud City Casino Incinerator Interrogation Room Port Town District Upper Walker West Gallery

Characters (17) 4-LOM w Gun Amanaman Aqualish Bane Malar Boba Fett CC Commander Igar Dengar w Gun DS-61-2 DS-61-4 Ephant Mon GM Tarkin Jodo Kast Mara Jade Miiyoom Onith Mosep U-3PO Vader w Stick

Vehicles/Starships (16) Avenger Blizzard 2 Blizzard Walker x3 Bossk in Bus Combat Cloud Car x4 Dengar in Punishing One Executor Fett in Slave 1 Tempest 1 Vengeance Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Interrupts (9) Alter Elis Helrot Evader Ghhhk Hutt Smooch Imperial Barrier Monnok Sacrifice Twi’lek Advisor

Effects (8) All Wrapped Up Crush the Rebellion Dark Deal First Strike Lateral Damage Reactor Terminal Secret Plans Security Precautions

Weapons (1) Mara’s Stick ‘

Strategy: ‘

Pretty simple idea behind this deck. I start with the port town district and use Twi’lek to pull out Crush the Rebellion. I set up my walkers as quickly as possible and get Dark Deal going so i can flip. I’ll explain the blue cards in more detail later. The bounty hunters are for added protection, as well as giving an alien for the objective. I put mosep at the port town, which should be in the center of my sites. I can then drain away until my opponent is dead. Miiyoom is obviously for killing my opponents characters before they deploy. This is great for EPP and mains decks. Monnok can keep the size of my opponent’s hand down to where Miiyoom can work on it. The walkers give most of my ground protection, while the BH ships, Cloud cars and star destroyers should be more than enough to hold Bespin and Cloud City. They should also be able to beat my opponent on his/her own ground. Resistance is in there not only for those few numbers decks, but mostly for beating EBO. I simply occupy three battlegrounds, not a tough thing, and the EBO bonuses are dropped considerably. I don’t need any more Twi’leks, because my most important effects are out at the start of the game. The others can be pulled later without too much trouble. The purpose for my blue cards should be quite clear. The avenger and vengeance are in there because they are ability 2 ships. This allows me to only deploy either of my DS pilots and draw battle destiny. The executor, although it is expensive, is worth the cost. Once it is at Bespin, my opponent will have trouble beating it, as well as the BH ships or star destroyers off of bespin. The combat cloud cars should be enough to hold Cloud City, but if they are not, any of the BH ships can support them. Dengar can take out attrition immunity, as well as working great against X-Wing or B-Wing swarms. Zuckuss everyone already knows about, so i won’t even bother expalining him, Fett is good enough to hold anything alone, being able to draw his own destiny and with great immunity. Bossk in Bus is great when combined with another ship, because he adds a destiny. Moving down to the ground, the blizzard walkers are just simply great. I have 8 pilots in the deck, and although i don’t want all of them piloting, they can still be used to fill up the space and give me the help. Igar is great either with Tempest 1 or any of the Blizzard Walkers, adding a battle destiny. Blizzard 2 doesn’t need a pilot, and works great as a backup to ground forces, or as a stand alone with a pilot. The cloud cars can rush down to the ground if aid is necessary, although it hasn’t been yet. Most of my characters have obvious purposes, but some of them you might be wondering about. Jodo is already a great card, but combined with Crush the Rebellion, my opponent already only draws two destiny, and he can cancel one. Amanaman places characters out of play, although he is not the most difficult character to hit, he can serve a good purpose, even if he does get killed. The one or two mains that are placed out of play can severely damage my opponent’s deck idea. Aqualish makes it more difficult to cancel dark deal. Bane Malar is good against most anyone, but especially against any Chewie personna. Ephant is to keep undercover spies from messing with me. U-3PO is to disrupt my opponent’s drains. The rest of my characters are simple to understand.

Against Hidden Base Start with security precautions instead of Crush the rebellion. Wait until the objective is flipped to go into space, my opponent can’t do much to me before it is anyway. I prode Bespin first, protecting me there until the hidden base is found. There are enough ships in this deck to easilly spread out and find the base in two or three turns after it is flipped. Once the objective is dead, simply drain away at CC.

Against Profit It would most likely be better not to even bother going to the Audience Chamber. Any good profit deck will be in there with EPPs or other mains quickly, and i would only lose cards needlessly. Secret Plans will most likely prevent my opponent from retrieving force, and after that it is simply a draining battle.

Against Operatives Best to simply stay away and try to outdrain. The operatives boost agaisnt walkers won’t help me in trying to get rid of them. U-3PO is useful in this situation. If the situation is desperate, i can send some BH to the planet to kill off a few operatives.

Against Choke Evader will see some serious playing time. Hurt my opponent by killing the revos, then brace for an attack with EPPs.

Against EBO I’ve already mentioned this to some extent. Start off with Resistance and keep my opponents drains to a minimum from the start. I don’t even bother trying to cancel EBO, it would take to many resources and keep me from draining. I simply set up on Cloud City and drain away, killing undercovers with Hutt Smooch, or keeping them away with Ephant Mon.

Against anything else In most situations the best thing that can be done is simply to fortify my city, and drain until my opponent is dead. The drains in this deck are tremendous, and it will be a rare deck that can top them quickly. ‘