Leia is the man wait a sec

Title: Leia is the man wait a sec
Author: Chris "MadJedi" Holcomb
Date: Jul 16, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘STARTING-8—————————— Rescue That Princess/Sometimes I Amaze Even Myself Prisoner 2187 D - Docking Bay D - Detention Block Corridor Yavin 4 - Docking Bay Yavin - Massassi War Room The Signal Echo Base Garrison

CHARACTERS-18————————— 8D8 x2 Leia w/ Wep x2 Han w/ Wep x2 Obi w/ Wep x2 Luke w/ Wep x2 Chewie w/ Wep x2 Lando w/ Wep Derek ‘Hobbie’ Klivan Commander Wedge Antilles Zev Senesca Frigin D’an Kal’Falnl C’ndros

BLUE-11——————————— SoroSuub V-35 Landspeeder x2 Ronto x2 Red Leader in Red 1 Gold Leader in Gold 1 Lando in Millenium Falcon Spiral Tantive IV Corellian Corvette x2

EFFECTS-9——————————- Wise Advice Battle Plan Insurrection Traffic Control Docking And Repair Facilities Bacta Tank Goo Nee Tay No Disintergrations Mechanical Failure

INTERRUPTS-9—————————- The Signal x3 Alter x2 Transmission Terminated x2 Shocking Information x2

SITES-6——————————— Kiffex Chandrila Spaceport Docking Bay Tatoonie - Toche Station Tatoonie - Mos Eisley Tatoonie - Cantina

Strategy: ‘

ARRRRRRRGH First of all the 2 SoroSubb’s need to be Rontos, thx

I think this is a fun deck, and very viable with the new Leia,,,, for those who don’t know– she can’t be transferred, adds 2 to drains where she is, and makes the objective stay on the table FOR the remainder of the game

FLIPPING—————————————–ok so its an easy flip now with Third Ant. i start with Echo Base Garrison and pull a 8D8 and deploy him to Yavin 4 - Docking Bay Chances are that ill have a Ronto so i deploy him too. So then i Docking Bay transit to D* then use 8D8’s personal landspeed to goto Detention Block Corridor.

Turn 2 i pull a Bacta Tank and free leia and deploy an additional character with Leia move twice to get to Yavin 4 docking bay. If she is killed ill put her on the Bacta Tank so either way i can flip on turn 3

FLIPPED——————————————Now that we’re flipped I track high destinies and watch the Imperials die. I like to keep Han and Luke/Chewie at a location to draw 2 destinies or Leia and someone.

NUANCES——————————————- No Disintergrations is great vs those Bounty Hunters w/ wep’s I counter a drain deck w/ the Flipped additional 1 force to drain and Battle Plan Another trick is to pull Spaceport Docking Bay using Insurrection and either put it on Tatoonie or Ralltiir for some movement to those places and an easier flip against ROPS