The Tick Tock of the Clock is Painful

Title: The Tick Tock of the Clock is Painful
Author: Seth "Ooryl" Van Winkle
Date: Jul 16, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (5) HB/SWSTYF Rendezvous Point Hidden Base Indicator The Signal Echo Base Garrison

Characters (5) 8D8 BG-J38 WED-9-M1 ‘Bantha’ Droid Obi-Wan With Lightsaber Luke with Lightsaber

Starships (15) Red Leader in Red 1 Red Squadron X-Wing x3 Gold Leader in Gold 1 Gold Squadron Y-Wing x3 YT-1300 Transport Lando In Millennium Falcon Corellian Corvette Tantive IV Medium Bulk Freighter Spiral Redemption

Starship Weapons (1) X-Wing Laser Cannon

Systems (8) Kessel Roche Kashyyyk Hoth Yavin 4 Ralltiir Kiffex Tibrin

Interrupts (14) The Signal x3 Transmission Ternimated x2 Houjix x2 It Could Be Worse x2 Organized Attack x2 Effective Repairs x2 Lost in the Wilderness

Effects (12) Never Tell Me The Odds x3 What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us x2 Traffic Control Bacta Tank Haven Rebel Fleet Demotion Legendary Starfighter Wise Advice ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is my last pre Death Star II deck. Its served me well going 8-1 in my last 3 tournaments. The only loss was to a evil Huntdown. Ive made some changes since then that have hepled a lot.

Basic Strategy is to get the 3 maintenance droids on a starship at RPoint (there are 5 that can hold all the droids and 2 that can hold 2 of the droids) and hit your opponent with numbers.

Every system in this deck serves a purpose. Kessel-Drain for 3 Roche-Dont get drained Kashyyyk-They dont get battle destiny unless they have abaility 6 or greater Hoth-Haven can deploy here Yavin 4-Haven can deploy here too, GSY-Wings and RSX-Wings deploy cheap here Ralltiir-Starships may move here as a react, you can deploy here to slow down the flip of Rops Kiffex-Drain of 2 Tibrin-Get NTMTO or other important lost cards back

All the interrupts and effects are pretty self explanitory. Depmotion is for Navy Trooper Vesden.

Now for the what to do against specific decks section.

Vs. Huntdown. If they start dueling, do not deploy Obi or Luke unless you know what your destiny is. Cancle Visage with TT. Making Vader go missing with Lost in the Wilderness will really throw a wrench in their gears. ICBW/Rebel Fleet/SWSTYF to cancle their drains

Vs. Rops. I havent lost to a Rops yet with this deck out of the about 10 games Ive played against it (this is largely due to the fact that the people who I played against suck, but Im still taking the credit.) Convert Ralltiir early and get a starship there to slow down the flip. It is ok to leave just 1 ship there if you have force saved to move as a react. Send Luke and Obi on suicide runs and use the Bacta Tank to keep them alive. If all else fails, you can always land a starfighter at one of their unoccupied sites and control the system to flip their obj back.

Vs. COTVG I usually dont deploy Luke or Obi against Court except when i have an easy beatdown. X-Wing Laser Cannon can take out Zuckuss in Mist Hunter easily and thats the only starship you really have to worry about. ICBW the mini-visage as often as possible. Really just drain in space and cancle their drains.

Vs. ISB I havent played against an ISB deck yet, so i dont know how it matches up yet. I suspect it would just be a drain race which you should win with Rebel Fleet, ICBW and SWSTYF. If theyre using Navy Trooper Vesden, Demote him. Obi and Luke suicide runs could be particulary effective.

Vs. SYCFA Manip. Just numbers really. Most of these decks Ive seen dont have many drain locations or starships so it should be a fairly easy win. Use grabbers for Sense and Alter.

Thats about all the decks Ive seen in my area lately. Please dont rate this deck bad because D*2 has that gay card that cancles numbers.

Oh yeah. Mad props to TJ Holman for giving me the idea for this deck (through his editorial) ‘