Gogolen s Numbers(Pure Evil Genius)

Title: Gogolen s Numbers(Pure Evil Genius)
Author: Chris "CGogolen" Gogolen
Date: Jul 17, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Start(6) Set your course for Alderaan Death Star Death StarDocking Bay Alderaan Twi’lek Battle Order(usually)

Interrupts(15) Counter Assault x2 Look sir droids set for stun put all sections on alert x3 twi’lek x2 dark manuevers masterful move imperial barrier x2 omni box limited resources

Effects(12) 3720 to 1 x5 Secret Plans Pride of the Empire Lateral Damage bad Feeling have I Reactor terminal There’ll be hell to pay First Strike

Characters(13) Tech M’or x3 R5-A2 x4 CZ-4 x3 Dr. Evazan Dengar with Blaster Darth Vader, DLOTS

Locations(6) Death StarWar room Death StarDetention Block Corridor Death StarDetention Block Control Room Kiffex Kashyyyk Endor

Ships(7) Ig-88 in IG-2000 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Dengar in Punishing One Fett in Slave 1 Vader’s Personal Shuttle Dreadnaught

Vehicles(1) Blizzard 2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

I really shouldn’t have to explain too much, very straightforward. put tech mor at 1 death star site, and 2 droids at another site. insert for crazy damage, use space drains/battle to speed up the insert popping and the force loss for the opponent. Use battle order to make them pay for drains. Dr E, dengar with gun, choke vader can be used to get around ultimatum. blizzard 2 can sit at DS docking bay to get around battle order. Counter assault whenever they have a drain set up with some cheezy guys. The whole deck is 4’s and up, with plenty of 6’s for maximum damage.

Now, let me explain some card choices because I’m sure some people won’t understand everything.

Set for stun-use this to boot wedge or some other high destiny character off the table after they declare ho much they will activate so numbers hurts more. Also screws jedi testing and utinni effect retrieval.

Look sir droids-kills artoo, also can be used to kill one of your own droids if you get three early and can’t find tech mor. deploy droids and then when you have tech, kill one of them.

Pride of the Empire-more direct damage, works great on ig-88 in ig 2000 since they can’t battle him back to make the card go lost.

This deck is great, performs well against all types of decks. Has beated y4mains, y4 space, hidden base, tat mains, profit, etc… and all played by quality opponents(Lolli, Lingrell, Dalton, etc). Sure it may be dead with DS 2, or maybe not, who knows how the meta works. The point is it’s a damn good deck right now.