Horbey s D2 HuntDown

Title: Horbey s D2 HuntDown
Author: joe "brangus" horbey
Date: Jul 18, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective(1) Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/The…

Locations(7) Executor Meditation Chamber Executor Holotheatre Executor Docking Bay Endor Kashykk Kiffex Sullust

Characters(11) Emperor Palpatine x2 Darth Vader With Lightsaber x6 Dr. Evazan Mara Jade x2

Starships(9) Dreadgnout Heavy Class Cruiser x7 Boskk In Bus x2

Interrupts(23) The Circle Is Now Complete x2 Vader’s Obssesion x2 Overwhelmed x2 Focused Attack x2 Unexpected Interruption Imperial Barrier x2 Masterful Move x2 Twi’lek Advisor x5 Elis Helrot x2 Prepared Defenses (Start)

Effects(8) Expand The Empire Presence Of The Force Reactor Terminal Lateral Damage x2 Oppresive Enforcement (Start) Battle Order (Start) You Cannot Hide Forever (Start)

Epic Events(1) Epic Duel

Strategy: ‘

Take out Lateral Damage and a 1 dreadngout and add 2 Visages

I kinda threw this one together after the prerelease…and it surprisingly does well.


Expand The Empire on Holotheatre-

Get Emperor Down and play ETE on Holotheatre. You now have +4 generation, +6 if get out the Docking Bay. I think 11 force for 3 locations is good personally….


I put in a lot of Twi’leks so you can get out the ETE Combo, and POTF down to the meditation chamber with Vader so you can flip. Get Vader and the Emperor together at the meditation chamber, and duel whatever comes at you. Use Mara offensivly to clear sites. She should be able to do this with the high destiny. Develop a presence in space with the Dreadngouts and use Bossk for beatdown only.

More than anything else, this deck is fun to play. I did not create this to play at tournaments, but it will be viable if you use it.’