Palpatine s Pleasure

Title: Palpatine s Pleasure
Author: Daniel "Shadow865" Blackford
Date: Jul 20, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Palpatine’s Pleasure.deck - Fri Jul 21 013359 2000

Unknown Type Death Star Alderaan Coruscant Rendili Coruscant Docking Bay Dagobah Cave Death Star Docking Bay 327 Death Star War Room Executor Docking Bay Hoth Wampa Cave

Characters (21) Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle Admiral Ozzel Captain Godhert Captain Sarkli Colonel Jendon Commander Desanne Commander Igar Darth Vader With Lightsaber DS-61-2 DS-61-3 2 Grand Moff Tarkin Janus Greejatus Lieutenant Cabbel 2 Lord Vader Officer Evax Sim Aloo 2 Emperor Palatine

Vehicles (3) Blizzard 2 Dune Walker Tempest 1

Starships (9) Avenger Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Chimaera Devastator Dominator Boba Fett In Slave I Emperor’s Personal Shuttle Vader’s Personal Shuttle Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Interrupts (3) Prepared Defenses 2 Twi’lek Advisor

Effects (11) Battle Order Come Here You Big Coward Imperial Arrest Order Mobilization Points Oppressive Enforcement Resistance Security Precautions 2 There’ll Be Hell To Pay 2 Lateral Damage

Weapons (2) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

Alright.’s the third high-quality deck I’ve posted in 3 days (See Enter Sandman and Blow Shit Up 1.0). The point of THIS one is to activate up quickly and beat the opponent down early while you take and keep control of some good draining locations…this is beats with da quickness. Here’s how the start works

1)SYCFA gives you 5 and Opponent 2. 2)Starting Effects=IAO,Mobilization Points, and another effect of your choice. 3)1st turn you use SYCFA to pull D* War Room, toss a drawn scrub in hand to D* DB, use IAO to pull coruscant DB, use Mob Points to pull Rendili (you could vary this up with exec doc bay if you wanted, but I do this for a BG system and it gives me another character in hand) and if you want a scrub to coruscant DB (course he can be beatdown there unlike D* DB).

This set-up is more card efficient than Docking Bay control room (you still have to control it to use it’s text…so the scrub going there goes to D* DB and activates +2 which is same as pulling 2 DB’s). Second turn you will be activating a MINIMUM of 12 force and giving away 3.

Now, I’ll give you a run down of new D*II techy stuff you may not know.

Captain Godhert-Cancels Claw.

Captain Sarkli-Flips Ops, while he occupies opponents Non-BG location they gen nothing there.

Colonel Jendon-Adds 3 to anything, D-2 F-4

Janus Greejatus-Adds 1 to drain with Emp, draws des by himself, and has ishi tib text.

Lord Vader-Seem’s weaker till some pissy Dagobah deck tries to slap some UFury up on you tracked 5’s don’t take him out and with his saber he can hit with your low destiny.

Sim Aloo-Another destiny drawer, he can peek at top of reserve and replace or move to bottom. Him and Janus both have great forfeit and deploy -alot with Emp.

I know the deck is missing some key effects…but ya gotta understand I’ll be raping their characters like second turn on. Pray that the opponent thinks retrieval is dead with that wimpy D*II efect I need to work in. The onslaught won’t stop. When you build for speed you have to sacrifice some things…