Author: Seth "Ooryl" Van Winkle
Date: Jul 21, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘This is a post DII ISB. It isnt that good, but its really fun to play. Not meant to be a tournament deck, so please don’t rate it as such.

Starting (6) ISB Operations/Empire’s Sinister Agents Coruscant Prepared Defences Imperial Arrest Order Resistance Oppressive Enforcement

Locations (11) Tatooine x4 Cantina Docking Bay 94 Mos Eisley Lars Moisture Farm Jundland Waste Tusken Canyon Jabba’s Palace

Characters (22) Navy Trooper Vesden Lt. Pol Treidum Mara Jade Admiral Ozzel Corporal Vandolay Colonel Wullf Yularen Corporal Oberk Captain Jonus Mosep Sergeant Tarl Tarkin Sergeant Torent Corporal Derdram 5d6-ra-7 Chall Bekan Officer Evax Probe Droid x3 2x-7kpr x3

Starships (4) Bossk in Bus ZiMH BFiS1 Chimera

Green (2) Luke Seeker x2

Interrupts (7) Ghhhk x5 Twilek Advisor x 2

Effects (9) Sunsdown x3 Tatooine Occupation x2 Search and Destroy Battle Order Reactor Terminal

Strategy: ‘

Ok, I lied. I an now starting with the Imperial Square. As for the Blout/Craken issue. If you have your post D*II Light deck build look at it and see if you have Blout or Cracken. If you don’t PLEASE dont rate me down becuase of them. If you do have them, rate however you like, just remeber that the Luke Seeker can kill them.

This is a supafast ISB deck. With 4 Tatooines in the deck I am ALMOST guarenteed to get one in my starting hand. Get Sunsdown on Tatooine early and just spread out all over. All the characters deploy for free under nighttime conditions execpt mosep, mara and the 2x droids (these guys add to characters power under nighttime conditions)

Other Random Cards Luke Seeker. This is awsome against the new LS obj. If you get it at landing platform early, luke is messed up. ALSO IT CAN KILL BLOUT OR CRACKEN

Ghhhk. If you spread out, opponent will probably come after you with lots of guys cancle the big battle damage.

Things to Remember RETERIVE AN ISB AGENT. When the obj. is flipped, reterive and ISB agent EVERY draw phase.

Luke Seeker moves during your control phase

Look at opponents hand cards with probe droids.

All your imperials are forfit +2 from IAO execpt mara.

5d6-ra-7 is power +1 when with Yularen

Sergeant Tarl subtracts 3 when they reterive force with Noble Sacrifice.

Colonel Wullf Yularen is power +1 when with Tarkin.

Make sure to remember those things.

Now for the “what to do against specific decks” section

Vs. you opponents LS deck. Spread out and drain OR wait till they have a guy alone at a site, deploy sunsdown, 15 free guys, 2x and battle. Of course there are other small things you will want to do like probe vs. hidden basc, but you can figure those out on your own. ‘