Endor Space domination

Title: Endor Space domination
Author: jim "Bob A Fett" robertson
Date: Jul 21, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Endor Ops Endor EndorBunker EndorLanding Platform Prepared defences Battle order Resistance Combat Response

Admirals Orders Battle Deployment Fighters Coming in

Locations Kashhyk Death Star 2 DS2 DB Kessel Fondor Mon Calamari Dark Forest Forest Clearing Spaceport Docking bay

Characters DVDLOTS GMT Boba w/ Gun Iggy w gun Ephant mon Navy trooper fenson Baron Soontir Fel Major turr phenirr DS-181-3 DS-181-4 Admiral piett Admiral chiraneau Captain Godhert Captain yorr Commander Merrejk

Starships Executor Saber 1 Saber 2 Saber 3 Saber 4 Onyx 2 Thunderflare Chimera Devastator Avenger Accuser

Vehicles Tempest 1 Temp scout 3 Temp scout 5 Temp scout 6 Temp scout

Effects Secret plans Reactor terminal Return to base ETE Perimeter patrol Endor shield Establish secret base Ominous Rumors imperial arrest order

Interrupts Alter x2

Strategy: ‘

Well heres my first attempt at a deck in the post DS2 era. Your start sets you up to have little force drain damage and lets you pull fighters and pilots. Get out rumors first. Then occupy endor to drain there, get out merrejk, who pulls systems, put sds and ties at those systems, drain for lots.Endor drain alone is 9 since all the systems are parsec 6 and 8, you get a plus one bonus at every system in your deck(via Chiraneu) Put a temp scout at a few sites and spread thin once fenson and perimiter patrol hit the table. Grab shield with bunkers text. this enables you to leave a lone sd or tie to drain there and deploy reinforcements or move the tie away before they can battle you. Try to have 1 tie and one sd at every system, putting extras at big drain systems. I didnt use bounty hunter ships because of the AO. Use the aos to deploy lost ties to DBs. The great thing about this deck is that you can start with numerous effects, not just the three i listed. hat’s it thanx for your suggestions. beware of Endor next time you see it