DII New School HB

Title: DII New School HB
Author: James "Wraith One" Hsu
Date: Jul 21, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Hidden Base Rendezvous Point Hidden Base system (your choice) Heading For The Medical Frigate Insurrection Squadron Assignments Your Insight Serves You Well

Locations Spaceport Docking Bay Kessel Ord Mantell Kiffex Anoat Raithal Kashyyyk

Characters Lieutenant Blount Captain Han Solo General Calrissian Wedge Antilles Kin Kian Hobbie Bren Quersey Obi-Wan With Lightsaber Theron Nett Leia With Blaster Rifle Hol Okand Tycho Celchu Luke With Lightsaber x2 Lieutenant Lepira

Starships Tala 2 Millenium Falcon Liberty Gold 4 Green Squadron 3 Red 10 Spiral Gold 6 Red 8 Red Squadron 4 Gray Squadron 1 Red Squadron 1

Interrupts It Could Be Worse Rebel Barrier x2 Noble Sacrifice Hyper Escape Organized Attack x2 The Signal

Effects Grabber x2 Honor Of The Jedi I Feel The Conflict S-Foils Ultimatum Traffic Control Menace Fades

Weapons X-Wing Laser Cannon x2

Admiral’s Orders I’ll Take The Leader’

Strategy: ‘

Death Star II has really influenced the way in which Hidden Base is played. Because of a number of new cards, including DS and LS Admiral’s Orders, and Squadron Assignments, it is now much better (and much more fun) to use the matching pilots/starships. This is my attempt to update an old Hidden Base deck. Coupled with some new effects, it is effective as well as fun.

To start off, make sure all the systems are out first before you flip the objective. Use your starting effect to pull out matching guys and starships. If dark side starts dropping ships on you, you can do two things. You can Hyper Escape or Barrier away (evasion) or you can play organized attack, x-wing laser cannons, and use the power of S-Foils to your advantage (beatdown). A lot of guys in the deck can hold a system by themselves, but I wouldn’t suggest it because of Lateral Damage and stuff. If Zuckuss comes down use the cannons or use Luke in space with some other Rebel guys to take it down. Luke’s got 5 ability and he’s a pilot so I put two copies of him in here. Fett in Slave 1? Track a 5 and then wipe him out with either the cannon or attrition.

The old Falcon with Captain Solo is still a monster in space - add Lando and you’ve got quite a ship. As a bonus, both Lando and Han are matching pilots, so drawing one of Lando/Han/Falcon will get the combo started. You’ll notice that since I’ve included the special edition pilots and their ships, you can get force drain +1’s everywhere. Hobbie is nice, he makes firing the weapon cheaper. Kin Kian is a nice surprise - on his own ship you can get force drain +1 at his location I used the old Wedge because he still draws destiny by himself, he’s 4 destiny, and he rocks with Noble Sac, you get 8 force back. I didn’t use Coruscant in this deck, because I felt like I didn’t need to with all the big drains already. The maximum drain potential in this deck (with the docking bay and Admiral’s Orders out) is 16. It is also easy to get beat in Coruscant, due to the deploy -2 for DS. I didn’t want to give more force to the opponent than I had to.

There’s only one Admiral’s Order in this deck. With Insurrection, I can pull out the docking bay somewhere and get a nice drain of 2 with I’ll Take The Leader. I didn’t include Ackbar because I figured it would be easy enough to get it, since I am looking through my reserve with The Signal/Hidden Base/etc., and it can never be canceled. If the opponent replaces your card, it goes to the used pile. You can then easily track it to get a 6 for destiny or pick it up again for next turn. I don’t see only having one as being a serious disadvantage.

Don’t forget that since you can pull out a docking bay and park mains/Rebel pilots there, you can effectively fulfill Menace Fades as well as Battle Order if the opponent plays it. The two grabbers are awesome against everything, including high-destiny interrupts, Sense/Alter, etc.

How To Play Against Popular DS Decktypes

Hunt Down If anyone’s still playing this, first make sure they’re not running numbers. Lose Your Insight Serves You Well to get Honor Of The Jedi and neutralize Visage. Don’t go to the ground with Luke/Obi, unless they’re playing non-dueling. If you need to, use Blount or Tycho to cancel Visage, they’re both spies.

ISB Get Blount out ASAP. Use Menace Fades also to shut them down. Search and Destroy? Drop docking bay, or get Honor. Don’t forget ultimatum, they can’t get huge drains on Tatooine that way. Do late-game retrieval with your Noble Sac, since they’re sure to have outer rim scouts all over the place. This deck can shut down ISB completely.

Ralltir Ops With all your drains +1 they cannot shut down your drains even with the objective flipped. Try and beat down lone ships with your immune to attrition starfighters. If they try Decree you can definitely stop them in space or use Luke/Obi on the ground. You can even fight them to the death on the ground, since all your guys are at least forfeit 5 each.

Space/TIEs Grab Tallon Roll. Grab All Power To Weapons. Pick your fights carefully, use the almighty Falcon, and you will win.

Set Your Course For Alderaan Against the non-flip manipulator, you basically have too much stuff coming straight out of the reserve deck to worry. Grab A Dangerous Time, remember Scanning Crew is automatically cancelled. You can also grab Monnok and if there’s Miyoom don’t worry because you have ships you can show from your hand to deploy pilots from reserve. Against a flipping deck, use Ultimatum or Menace Fades to cap their big drains and you should be fine.

Bring Him Before Me This is interesting. Get out Honor quickly from reserve so you only lose 1 force. I Feel the Conflict will help you if Luke gets captured, but there’s no need to put him anywhere but in space. You can easily outdrain this deck to death, before it gets to win 4 or 5 battles. If you run from potential battles then they can’t ‘win’ battles can they? Play smart and you’ll stand a great chance.

Build this deck and try it out for yourself It stands a chance against most popular decks, and it is not vulnerable to any particular decktype.’