The Rops Post D 2

Title: The Rops Post D 2
Author: Tyler ""_WRAITH_"" Alexander
Date: Jul 23, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 6 Rops Ralltir Prepared Defences Imperial Arrest Order Imperial Decree Mobilization points

Locations 8 Carida x1 Endor x1 Sullust x1 Jungle x1 Swamp x1 Spaceport Docking Bay x1 Executor Docking Bay x1 Coruscant Docking Bay x1

Characters 15 Darth Vader Dark Lord of the Sith x2 Darth Vader with Saber x1 Tarkin x1 At-St pilot x3 Mara Jade x2 Colonel Davod Jon x1 Biker Scout trooper x1 Sergeant Wallen x1 Lieutenant Cabell x1 Officer Evax x1 DS-61-2 x1

Effects 4 Lateral Damage x1 Presence of the force x2 Battle Order

Interupts 7 Twi’lek Advisor Overload x3 Imperial Barrier x3

Starships 11 Boba fett in Slave 1 x1 Bossk in Hounds tooth x1 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter x2 Dengar in punishing 1 x2 Death Squadrod Star Destroyer x2 Schythe Squadron Tie x3

Weapons 1 Mara Jade’s Saber

Vehicles 8 Blizzard 2 x1 Speeder Bike x1 Tempest Scout 1 x1 Tempest Scout 2 x1 Tempest Scout 3 x1 Tempest Scout 4 x1 Tempest Scout 5 x1 Tempest Scout 6 x1

Strategy: ‘

The basic strategy in this deck is to get Imperial Decree started and your Objective Fliped Reducing your Opponents drains to almost Nothing.

On your first Turn search your deck and deploy carida and spaceport docking bay with Mobilization points and imperial arrest order. Then seach your deck with the objective for the Biker Scout trooper and use the biker scout trooper to get The speeder Bike and deploy them at the Spaceport docking Bay. With the biker scout their you have a power of 4 imunity to attrition less than 4 and a forfeit of 7 making a beatdown almost impossible with ralltirs +2 deploy for all rebels and the space ports +1 Deploy for all pilots. Then draw any extra force your opponent gave you.

On your second turn You will be activating 7 force + whatever else your opponentgives you + the force from any locations you got in your hand. You then get a site with the objective and a docking bay with imperial arrest order depoy and At St for the next 2 turns for an easy 3rd turn flip.

You then get endor and a presence of the force for ralltir to get the two battle ground systems in Decree.

With the flipsides gametext and Zuckus in mist hunter you should be able to draw higher destinies then your opponent and you should be able to get rit of all x-wing cannons with the overloads. And Dengar will be able to take care of swarm decks and lateral damage can take care of the super falcon. So controlling ralltir and endor should not be much of a problem.

If your opponent is devoting alot of resources to defeat you on the ground then you can use carida’s game text to recycle The biker scout trooper and Sergeant Wallen for forfeit. This makes it so all the overloads and starships arent useless if your opponent isnt attacking you in space. The biker scout trooper forfeits for 4 on his bike and wallen forfeits for 5 with arrest order so they should be able to soak up all the attrition.

I included the other ability 2 scrubs because they all have forfeits of 6 or 7 and are pilots. Cabbel also subtracts 1 from total battle destiny when with a leader. And Davod jon has a power of five and draws a destiny if not able to otherwise at an exterior site, but he isnt a pilot.

Scythe ties have an ability of 2, power of 2, forfeit 3, destiny of 4, and a deploy of 4, still they arent that bad deploy cost isnt really a problem with the deploy -2 at endor and they have a great destiny for a starship. A scythe tie and bossk in hounds tooth or dengar in punishing can easily hold a system with almost no chance of beat down.

I think i got it all.’