Das Rebelstrikenteamenheimer

Title: Das Rebelstrikenteamenheimer
Author: Gordon "Tallus" Marx
Date: Jul 23, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective Rebel Blow-shit-up Team/Garrison Destroyed

Epic Events (1) Deactivate The Shield Generator

Starships (8) Gold Squadron 1 Grey Squadron 1 Liberty Red Squadron 1 Spiral Tantive IV Tydirium x2

Characters (23) Captain Yutani Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk Corporal Beezer Corporal Delevar Corporal Janse Corporal Kensaric Corporal Midge Daughter Of Skywalker Geezum General Calrissian General Solo Kin Kian Lieutenant Greeve Lieutenant Page Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Major Olander Brit Major Panno Nien Nunb Orrimaarko Sergeant Brooks Carlson Sergeant Bruckman Sergeant Junkin Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Weapons (3) Explosive Charge x3

Effects (7) Honor Of The Jedi Insurrection Let’s Keep A Little Optimism Here Menace Fades Squadron Assignments Strike Planning Your Insight Serves You Well

Interrupts (10) Covert Landing x2 Insertion Planning x3 Take The Initiative x2 Throw Me Another Charge x3

Locations (7) Endor Endor Back Door x2 Endor Bunker Endor Dense Forest Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Endor Rebel Landing Site (Forest)

Strategy: ‘

Das Rebelstrikenteamenheimer (loosely translated “My hovercraft is full of eels.”) is a deck that is all about shits and giggles. Your opponent shits when you hand him a 15 force loss in one turn. You giggle when you win with the “worthless objective.” Anyway, on to the strat. Start the Objective, Endor, Rebel Landing Site, HFTMF, Strike Planning, Squadron Assignments, and Insurrection. Go grab General Solo before you activate, unless you got him in your hand - then you can grab General Lando. When you get Covert Landing in your hand, show Solo to get the Tydirium, deploy them to the system, land them for free at the Landing Site, and then Covertly Land with all your dudes on the cheap. Basically, deploy dudes until you either a) have enough random mooks to hold the Bunker until you can blow it up, or b) flip the objective the other way, after which your draws to blow up the Bunker are each +2. Throw Me Another Charge (or, as it’s sometimes called around me, Throw Me the Shield Generator [What can I say? I was tired…]) is a Good Thing in this deck - a cycling 6 that lets you get Explosive Charges. Insertion Planning is similarly awesome - a cycling 6 that’ll usually knock your opponent’s attrition down far enough not to really hurt you. Actually, now that I think of it, you might want to throw in Concentrate All Fire - adding 2 to your immunity never hurt anyone. Kin Kian is in here to offset Endor’s drain -1 text, and he also helps the Wedginator cancel destiny, as he is a Rogue Squadron pilot. If you don’t like him, you could use Tycho Celchu and Green Squad 3 - also a Rogue pilot. The Liberty, Spiral, and Tantive IV are all sweet ships that deserve to be in nearly every deck.

That’s about it. Thanks in advance for constructive reviews, and to everyone that thinks RST sucks - well, it doesn’t anymore. ‘