OOPS Was That YOUR Planet v2 0

Title: OOPS Was That YOUR Planet v2 0
Author: Carson "tarkinsaide" Swanek
Date: Jul 24, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting 8 SYCFA/TUPITU Death Star Alderaan Docking Bay 327 Imperial Arrest Order Oppressive Enforcement Battle Order Prepared Defenses

Locations 8 War Room Conference Room Yavin 4 Hoth Endor Kashyyyk Sullust Nal Hutta

Characters 14 Death Star Gunner x3 Lord Vader Zuckuss Grand Moff Tarkin IG-88 with Riot Gun Mara Jade, The Emperors Hand Admiral Ozzel Officer Evax Baron Soontir Fel Captain Godherdt DS-61-2 Admiral Piett

Starships 14 Avenger BFiS1 ZiMH Devastator Flagship Executor Thunderflare Death Star Assault Squadron Bossk In Bus Judicator Vengeance Accuser Visage Tyrant Conquest

Vehicles 4 Lift Tube x2 Blizzard 2 Tempest 1

Effects 2 Reactor Terminal Return To Base

Interrupts 5 Alter Sense Put All Sections On Alert You Are Beaten Its Worse

Weapons 3 Superlaser Heavy Turbolaser Battery

Epic Events 2 Commence Primary Ignition x2

Admirals Orders1 Were In Attack Position Now’

Strategy: ‘

Basic Strategy Get the War Room first. Get gunners there ASAP. Put Ozzel or Evax at the Conference Room ASAP. IAO is to stop Nabrun beatdowns and add some forfiet fodder. Oppressive Enforcement is to help with destiny and SAC. Blow up Alderaan or the opponents planet. If theyre still alive, drain.

vs. Throne Room Mains Blow up Yavin 4 -) vs. LS Anti-Death Star Objective Use the Death Star Assault Squadron against their Attack Runs. Blow up Y4. Good matchup. vs. EBO Another good matchup. Blow up Hoth while using your space fleet to hold back their ships. vs. Ops Blow up the Subjugated Planet. Use your ground forces to kill some operatives in the meantime. vs. MWYHL Blow up Alderaan, then drain the heck out of them. vs. Profit Start Mara and Zuckuss. Reinforce ASAP. Blow up Alderaan and drain. vs. Odds Odds are dead because of the new effects. Why waste a card space on a dead deck? vs. New LS Objective Havent seen it played in my area yet. vs. Anything Else Blow up planet if possible. If not, blow up Alderaan and drain.

Specific Cards -Its Worse I once beat a Death Star deck by absorbing 14 damage when he blew up my Hoth. Never want to fall to that. -4 Characters can draw destiny by themselves. -Lift Tubes are for shuttling people around on the Death Star and destiny. -Speaking of destiny, I have 4 destiny 6s. All the 0s will be out of my deck by the end of the game, except for maybe Ozzel. -Lots of ability 2 star destroyers and pilots -The Admirals Order allows me to pretty much sit a SD and pilot at a system and survive. -I use the ability 3 pilots -I have Sense and Alter in here to cancel opponents major interrupts and effects. -Captain Godherdt rules

Thats all for now. Remember to tell me what to take out, as well as what to put in. Thanx —Carson’