Speedy TIEs

Title: Speedy TIEs
Author: Eddie "ISBop" Brown
Date: Jul 25, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Kashyyyk Prepared Defenses Mobilization Points Oppressive Enforcement Combat Response

Locations (7) Sullust Coruscant Endor Wakeelmui Kiffex Kessel Kashyyyk

Admiral’s Orders (2) Fighter Cover x2

Characters (8) Baron Soontir Fel DS-181-3 DS-181-4 Major Turr Phennir Mara Jade Grand Moff Tarkin Major Mianda Lord Vader

Starships (20) The Emperor’s Shield The Emperor’s Sword Scythe 1 Saber 2 Saber 3 Saber 4 Vengeance Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x3 TIE Interceptor x9 Visage

Weapons (5) SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons x5

Effects (9) Lateral Damage x2 Inconsequential Losses Combat Response Oppressive Enforcement Sienar Fleet Systems Mobilization Points Well Guarded Dreaded Imperial Starfleet

Interrupts (9) Imperial Barrier x2 All Power To Weapons x4 Short-Range Fighters Twi’lek Advisor Prepared Defenses ‘

Strategy: ‘

 Start Kashyyyk, Prepared Defenses, Mobilization Points, Combat Response, and Oppressive Enforcement.  This way, you give yourself 2 without your opponent benifiting from early force gen.  Mobilization pulls Wakeelmui to set up SFS early.	SFS is NOT an integral part of this deck.  You can still win easily without using this card.  Just make sure you use Short-Range Fighters to retrieve.	The other cards just speed up the deck and prevent SAC.  They make it really fast, too.    I usually use my first APTW to grab 3 TIEs; extra speed always helps.  The SE cannons rock with TIE interceptors.  Use them to take out almost any starfighter with ease.  Also, when they fire and Fighter Cover is out, the TIE is power +3, a great bonus.  All the helper cards (APTW, Fighter Cover, Dreadnaughts, X-wings at same system)  can get your TIEs up into deadly power for very cheap.    The Emperor's Sword and Shield are in there for a couple of reasons.  First, theyre cheaper than 3 normal TIE interceptors.  Second, they help with the low average ability of the deck, so I can draw battle destiny easily.  They are power +3 at Coruscant or Endor, and both of those systmes are in the deck.	Lastly, when I deploy them, I retrieve 3 force instead of 1, since they count as 3 TIEs.  They're not very powerful, but they fit this deck very well.    If the opponent is playing ground, and doesn't look to be playing much space, then spread and drain.  If the LS drains get really big, use some power characters and beatdown.  They are included just for this purpose.    Lateral Damage is an awesome card.  Simply activate a bunch, play it on a high-power cap ship, drop TIEs and cannons, battle, shoot the starfighters, and smack around the power=0 capital.	It's a lot of fun, and can be the game-breaker.    This deck is tons of fun to play, and is powerful too.  Try it at your next tourney, and you'll be surprised at the results.  Good luck with it, and May The Force Be With You.