Did someone say BEATDOWN in space

Title: Did someone say BEATDOWN in space
Author: drew "drew man1" scott
Date: Jul 25, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘OBJECTIVE hunt down and destroy the jedi. CHARACTERS darth vader X2 dark lord of sith lord vader ds-61-2 ds-61-3 evax cabbal captain godheardt admiral chiraneau ozzel commander merrejk LOCATIONS holotheter meditation chamber wampa cave endor sullest kashheek kiffex STARSHIPS scythe squadron tie X4 dreadnaughts X3 the emperers shield vengance avenger dominater zuckuss in mist hunter bossk in hounds tooth devastater EFFECTS visage of the emperor cruch the rebellion something special planned you cannot hide forever oppressive enforcement secret plans lateral damage first strike security percautions presance of the force imperial arrest order INTERUPTS i have you now X2 evader tallon roll X2 dark menuvers X2 masterful move twi’lek adviser X2 ghhhk all power to the weapons X2 ADMIRALS ORDERS were in attack positions now battle deployment

Strategy: ‘

   My brand new hunt down deck is new and immproved. I figure if most lightside decks are going in space I will convert my original hunt down ground to hunt down space.
First off you start with presance of the force in the meditation chamber. get vader down thier and then set up space drains. This deck did pretty well against hidden base because they couldnt do anything about the power and the fact that each battle destiny is -2 and if you have were in attack posision now out each capitol starship is immune to attrition of 3 and pilots are deploy -1.
a problem is that vader will get attacked by EPP's. but I have you now will protect you pretty well. along with crush the rebellion, because the executers sights are mobile.( he might not even die because both of thier destines will be -2. If he dies oh well you have movaders to replace the first one.
in 2 diffrent games vader got battled by EPP obi won and EPP luke. he was hit by a saber but with  I have you now i wiped both of them out with a total battle destiny of 15.
Im not sure yet how profit will do against this deck. Chiraneau should help because he will give youdrain bonus. Im not sure yet but i might add som undercover spies to the deck to take care of the ground drains.
I put those new tie fighters in my deck because there destiny 4 and got a base of 7 for a tallon roll.(which will stop that matching pilot crap, except for new falcon and new wedges ship.'