It s all MINES

Title: It s all MINES
Author: Rich "Joh Yowza" Dailey
Date: Jul 26, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Hidden Base Indicator Rendezvous Point Heading for the Medical Frigate Superficial Damage Aim High Do or Do Not

Systems Kessel Endor Kashyyyk Sullust Roche Raltiir Kiffex

Characters TK-422 Boushh

Admiral’s Orders Concentrate All Fire x2

Ships Lando in Falcon BWing Bomber x11

Greens Orbital Mine x6 SW-4 Ion Cannon x2 Intruder Missle x3 Concussion Missle x2

Interrupts Free Ride Houjix x2 Slight Weapons Malfunction Power Pivot x2 Direct Assault All Wings Report In The Signal Rapid Fire Stay Sharp x2 Throw Me Another Charge

Effects Weapons Display Traffic Control Slayn and Korpil Facilities ‘

Strategy: ‘


Wow, almost a year later and this thing has made a comeback. If you want to review it, just remember it was something I built in about 10 minutes. And there’s all kinds of changes to make to it, maybe I’ll try a new version of it soon…

Ah, the mines are here…

OK, we all know how to play hidden base, if you don’t dmail me and I’ll try to explain. This is an odd deck, to say the least. Spread out, with at least one gun and an orbital mine. React with guns, send them to the used pile to soak up attrition, and redeploy. Have to lose force to that pesky drain? Easy Lose a gun, deploy it with Weapons Display. There’s a lot of fun to be had with this, nobody’s prepared for it right now. With all the effects and AO out, you can make one lone Bwing power 16 plus a destiny draw (you figure it out.). Now, before you tell me Zuckuss kills me, my ion draws are plus 3, so I just need a 1. Surprise, after the systems are out there isn’t a zero in the deck. He has to stay put, so I get him next turn. If they send somebody up, shoot ’em The Executor isn’t nearly as big a deal as you think, if they do catch you with your pants down Houjix. Always leave a force, it makes ’em wonder, you know? Now

Hunt down Dead around here, I’d say add in Honor of a Jedi to stop that. And you’d be surprised how fast the effects come up in this deck. Deploy a spy there, break cover, and it’s gone. No one to duel, so no duel protection.

ISB Dead around here as well. Just stick to the game plan.

Court Get Boushh down, and kill those ships that come out in space. Aim High hurts their retrieval, just remember to enforce it and you should out last them, especially with the ion cannons and intruders floating around. Mines are a pain against the BH ships…

RalOps Occupy Raltiir, shoot ’em down. Drain as you can, they’ll be forced to drain you on the ground. Be prepared for the all out offensive, though.

Bring him Haven’t seen one around here, if I do I’ll have to make a change or two.

Ops Dead. Why did I even bring it up?

CPI objective You can knock those ICSD’s out of the sky and get on about your business. It’s not nearly as hard as you think.

That about covers it, if you can tell me a card or two I need, I’d appreciate it. A little help is always needed, and thanks for reading.
