The New EBO Deck

Title: The New EBO Deck
Author: Carmine "LittleDebbie" Arca
Date: Jul 27, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Main Power Generators North Ridge A New Secret Base The Signal

Locations Hoth Echo Corridor Hot Echo Med Lab Hoth Echo Docking Bay Mon Calamari Hoth Yavin 4

Characters Baragwin x3 Ishi Tib x2 Gran Boshek Oola Figrin D’an General Carlist Rieekan Obi-Wan Kenobi x2 Leia with Blaster Rifle Luke with Saber Commander Luke Skywalker FX-7 2-1B

Starships Lando in Falcon x2 Redemption Artoo in Red 5 Red 6 Red Squad X-wing x3 Gold Squad Y-wing x2

Effects Projection of a Skywalker x2 What Are You Trying to Push On Us x2 Docking and Repair Facilities Echo Base Garrison Bacta Tank Echo Base Operations Wise Advice

Interrupts Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x2 Nabrum Leids x2 On The Edge x2 Houjix

Devices Disruptor Pistol Electro Binoculars Obi’s Saber Jedi Lightsaber x2 X-wing Laser Cannons x2

Strategy: ‘

The strategy is as follows Set up the EBO with EBG and occupie with your Baragwins and other aliens. Once you get EBO out, deploy your X wings and Y wings to Yavin 4 for next to nothing. Use the effects to pull systems to drain at and the bacta tank.

Bacta Tank Use the droids and the Redemption for the bacta tank. You can use the bacta tank to eiter attack the opponents at their sites constantly with one EPP main or to defend Hoth from intruders.

Baragwins The baragwins are there for retrieval and you can give them lightsabers for a drain or two.

On the Edges Use the On the edges next to each other for retrieval, the device retrieval and electrobinocs can help you track what you need. You can also kill off Commander Luke,if you don’t need him, with an On the Edge so you can deploy Luke with saber.

Commander Luke He’s in here because you can pull him with Garrison and can defend echo base pretty well. Also if you deploy Artoo in Red 5 at the North Ridge with Commander Luke aboard for free and take off to Hoth. You get a drain of three, power of seven, a battle destiny, and immunity to attrition less than 5 Also, pull him and use the Ishi Tib’s text to get an extra draw by placing him under the used pile and repulling him again.

All in all, just spread out and drain their pants off. The Repair facilities and the Bacta tank help a ton to keep your characters on the table. The Gran is there for some more retrieval. The Nabrums are there to relocate the baragwins if they’re in trouble, and to relocate your EPPs to battle wherever you need them to. SAC control is Wise Advice which also helps your grabbers, and projection is for reducing big drains while you draw an EPP or two to battle them.The Wind chimes are for pulling the baragwins and for last ditch retrieval. Rieekan is for if they try to cancel EBO, keep him alive and they can’t. Some of the DSll cards would affect the deck, but it should still keep the big drains. The only card to really watch out for is Come Back Here You Big Coward, but if you occupy two systems, you’ll be fine.

If you have any ideas for specific cards to add please say so in your review. The deck’s not unbeatable, but you should be able to win most of the time.