Frank s Jedi Testing v2

Title: Frank s Jedi Testing v2
Author: Frank "FrankLamanti" Lamantia
Date: Jul 27, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (7) Cloud City Lower Corridor Dagobah Dagobah Jungle Dagobah Swamp Dagobah Training Area Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Kessel

Characters (10) Captain Han Solo x2 Daughter Of Skywalker Luke With Lightsaber x2 Melas Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2 Tawss Khaa Yoda

Starships (5) Millennium Falcon x2 Red Leader In Red 1 x2 Spiral

Interrupts (15) Alter x2 Effective Repairs Heading For The Medical Frigate I Thought They Smelled Bad On The Outside It Could Be Worse x3 On The Edge x3 Star Destroyer Strangle The Signal WHAAAAAAAAAOOOOW

Effects (12) Battle Plan Honor Of The Jedi Order To Engage Projection Of A Skywalker x2 The Way Of Things Traffic Control Uncontrollable Fury What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? x2 Wise Advice Your Insight Serves You Well

Weapons (2) Intruder Missile X-wing Laser Cannon

Devices (2) Bionic Hand Landing Claw

Jedi Tests (6) A Jedi’s Strength Domain Of Evil Great Warrior It Is The Future You See Size Matters Not You Must Confront Vader

Unknown Type Mind What You Have Learned/Save You It Can

Strategy: ‘


I hate stupid people who tell me to add stupid crap that I don’t need. Why Kessel? Because it is a 3 drain battleground system. Fine, land on Dagobah, I let Honor of the Jedi suck up the drains. You can’t spread to Dagobah and then occupy 3 BGs, its impossible. If you do, you’ll get beatdown. I could always throw Yoda in front of some walkers where they don’t have a character of ability > 4 too, and pop out Order to Engage. Coruscant is just ass, your ships deploy -2 there. Do you realize how many times I’ve seen people take a 20 force beatdown at Coruscant? LOTS. And “never ever pull out Yoda’s Hut first turn”? WTF is that? Thats just gay, if you’re worried about it then only activate 4, enough for Daughter on your second turn. The X-wing Laser cannons are beasts. You have to amass 6 ability at a space location to draw battle destiny. When I shoot your Fett or Zuckuss you’re pretty screwed aren’t you? I too, have been playing test to 5 since Special Edition came out.

To the people who tell me it won’t stand in a tourney with out ever seeing me play this deck, or anybody play this deck, and not even giving it a fair chance your reviews are not wanted. Think if something intelligent to say. I don’t mind if you give me a 3 star, I could care less about my rating or how high this deck is on the top 10, even if it is on the top ten, but atleast give me constructive criticism.

If you have questions or comments, d-mail me and I’m sure that I can tell you why this card is in here instead of that one.

Starting Dagobah, Mind What You Have Learned, Heading For The Medical Frigate, Your Insight Serves You Well, Wise Advice and the Way of Things.

Some responses the last versions reviews

Search and Destroy really isn’t a problem. Throw Obi-Wan or Luke at Cloud City Lower Corridor and drain for some in the process. You are immune to attrition < 4 (Yoda at the hut, Jedi Test 3 subtracts one from opponents draws) and you’ll take out 3 guys a battle. Tarkin can’t cancel your Jedi Test 5 destiny. And if they do manage to clean you off there, use Jedi Test 4 next turn to go get another Obi or Luke. You can also use Alters to cancel it.

Alters also serve as Sense protection. Try and Sense one of my interupts, I grab it and play Alter. If you do manage to cancel my interupt then it goes to the used pile. Essentially, you lose a card every time you play a Sense because it goes on my grabber.

Now the same strategy from last time…

Ok first off, you won’t ever see the true power of this deck until you play it, or see somebody good play it. This deck is a monster. Don’t let it fool you. I used to play a train to 5 deck before DS2 ever came out and it was very good. Its a hard deck to play, a lot of things that you have to remember.

First turn Pull Yoda’s Hut and plop down Yoda. Deploy any other Dagobah sites you have, but hold your Kessel and your Lower Corridor.

Second turn Grab Training Area, Luke (put him at Yoda’s Hut, with Yoda), and Test 1. Don’t forget to grab a test during their turn. Obviously you go from Test 1, to test 2 and so on. Try to start tracking some 7 destiny cards… you’ll want to find one and track it around and start drawing it for every Training Destiny. You have 6 of them in here, shouldn’t be hard.

Third turn Attempt test 1 and get out the Jungle (on the opposite side of the Training Area, adjacent to Yoda’s Hut. Stick test 2 there, and during your move phase, see if they want to move it. If not then move over. If they do want to move it, just stay where you are.

Fourth turn Complete test 2, drop test 3 on the Jungle and move over to the Jungle (or stay at the Jungle if they didn’t move the test). Bam test 3 is done because of The Way Of Things. If they decided not to move test 3, then you could have dropped the Swamp between the Jungle at Yoda’s Hut and test 4 there, then after test 3 is done you can move over to the Swamp. If they did move it, oh well.

Fifth turn Complete test 4, deploy test 5 on Yoda’s Hut and move them over.

Sixth turn Luke does hand stands

Seventh turn Luke pops up, objective flips. If you’ve been playing smart you have a 6 or 7 destiny card on test 5.

Drop test 6 and force the opponent to put Vader out or lose 2. And if they do put Vader out, put Uncontrollable Fury on him. If they put out Lord Vader, oh well drop Artoo and Undercover to that site. Sniper? Oh well you have It Could Be Worses and retrieval. Drain at Kessel and at the Lower Corridor. Remember that the destiny on test 5 can’t be cancelled with Tarkin, as its really not a battle destiny, because you use that instead of a battle destiny. On The Edges do some retrieval, and some people might tell me that retrieval is dead because of that one effect, well the fact still remains I get 18 cards back, its well worth it in my opinion.

I know atleast one person will tell me about Its Worse, its Worse does nothing when I have Jedi Test 1 done. Its Worse is actually adding to the drain when I play It Could Be Worse on a drain. Opponent’s Force drain modifiers are cancelled. ‘