Jake s Post-DSII Hunt Down

Title: Jake s Post-DSII Hunt Down
Author: Jacob "Boda-Baas" Mayer
Date: Jul 28, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1) Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe

Locations (7) Executor Holotheatre (S) Executor Meditation Chamber (S) Executor Docking Bay Endor Dark Forest Endor Forest Clearing Endor Back Door Endor Landing Platform

Characters (23) Darth Vader x2 Darth Vader With Lightsaber x4 Mara Jade x3 Grand Moff x2 Emperor Palpatine Sim Aloo Jabba The Hutt 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle IG-88 With Riot Gun Admiral Chiraneau Commander Igar Colonel Jendon DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 U-3PO

Weapons (1) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Vehicles (6) Tempest 1 Blizzard 1 Blizzard 2 Blizzard Walker x2

Starships (3) Boba Fett In Slave 1 Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Executor

Effects (10) Visage Of The Emperor (S) Crush The Rebellion (S) Moblization Points (S) Imperial Arrest Order (S) Battle Order Security Precautions Imperial Decree Bad Feeling Have I Image Of The Dark Lord There Will Be Hell To Pay

Interrupts (10) Nevar Yalnal I Have You Now x3 Twilek Advissor x3 Masterful Move x2 Prepared Defences

Ok here it goes. My general strategy is to combine high forfiet pilots and the power and immunity of imperial walkers to hold the games exterior locations while using Vader and Mara with their sabers to disrupt my opponents game plan.

The early game plan is to pull the Executor Docking Bay on the first turn and toss a cheap pilot there for the extra activation. On the next turn, you pull the Endor Landing Platform and deploy a walker or large character there and transfer the pilot from the Executor there for free to prevent a beatdown. You then have the option of deploying another character or walker to the Executor Docking Bay for the force activation or toss them at Endor sites for the drains. The extra activation from the docking bays and the bonus at he Holotheatre from the Emperor and Vader allows you to quickly deploy your large units to take control of the game.

Strategy versus some popular Pre- DSII decks.

Throne Room Mains

I wait until my opponent drops a twix site or a 2/1 location and then I use either a Masterful Move or Twilek Advisor to get my Image Of The Dark Lord and play it in the middle of his Yavin IV sites. Vader usually comes out next turn and I twilek or draw for my Bad Feeling if it is not already out. That pretty much shuts done their activation and it is smooth sailing there on out. If all else fails, theis deck holds it own against mains, especially EPPs and since you can’t shoot a walker.


I start Jabba and Mara. Once Iggy or 4-LOM hit the Audience Chamber, the lightside has its work cut out for them. This deck can pretty much fight for tatooine without using its walkers which frees them up for secure drains elsewhere.

Hidden Base

Start Security Precautions and drop and drain big on the ground while using your ships wisely in space. Moblization Points allows you to pull out the Executor when ever you want. Just be careful with it. You have an abundance of pilots for forfiet fodder. Wait to probe in order to avoid a big beat down.

Speeder Ops

Start Battle Order. Some of the more observant reviewers will have noticed that I don’t have any battle ground systems in my deck. Thats because any ops deck work its salt will provide you with one. A pair of walkers has enough power to avoid a beating and their immuntiy to attrition below four is just enough the clear all of those threes in a ops deck. Alot of your pilots with Imperial Arrest Order are forfiet 6 which will handle a pair of threes when the need arises. But who cares anyways because ops is dead.


Even deader the ops.

Echo Base Operations

I start the decree and battle order and camp out under the shield. Ice storms and a weak mains package are no match for my deck. Other than that I will play it like any other old space deck that has wasted a dozen or so cards to setup a drain modifier that doesn’t work any more.

Here is a couple individual cards that can cause problems and how I plan on dealing with them.

Savrip- Masterful Move Sabacc- Grab, Control the Casino, and Forget Double Agent- I’ll Nevar Yalnal first Honor Of The Jedi- I’ve spoken to some people who believe the card spells doom for the HD decks. I have never rely relied on Visage since it is so easily canceled. I prefer to look on the brightside. With people playing his card, other Visage defences will be neglected and I may be able to sneak in some late damage. It may take a couple turns to occupy three battlegrounds but it is far from impossible. I think the new DSII set helps this deck more than it than it hurts it.

Thats all that I can think of. I would appreciate your input.’

Strategy: ‘
