It Beat the Hell Out of Gary Carmen

Title: It Beat the Hell Out of Gary Carmen
Author: Clint "GameMaster" Hays
Date: Jul 29, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (7)

Hoth Main Power Generators Hoth North Ridge Hoth Echo Command Center(War Room) Hoth Echo Docking Bay Hoth Echo Corridor Hoth Kiffex

Characters (23)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x 3 Luke Skywalker x 2 Captain Han Solo x 2 Leia With Blaster Rifle x 2 Orrimaarko Melas Tawss Khaa Tycho Celchu Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader Lieutenant Blount Figrin D’an Bothan Spy H’nemthe Arcona x 2 Ishi Tib x 3

Starships (8)

Millennium Falcon x 2 Artoo In Red 5 x 2 Home One Spiral Tantive 4 Gold Leader In Gold 1

Weapons (2)

Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber x 2

Effects (9)

What’re You Trying To Push On Us? Strikeforce Legendary Starfighter Projection Of A Skywalker x 2 A New Secret Base Bacta Tank Echo Base Operations Haven

Interrupts (11)

Sense x 4 Alter x 3 The Signal x 2 Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x 2

Strategy: ‘

The idea behind this deck is pretty simple. You give them what they havent seen. This is not the standard EBO deck. It is much more stable and versatile than that.

The ideal “flip” against most decks would be 2 ishi tibs and an arcona at the docking bay. Once you have EBO up you’ll want to get the super falcon to kiffex and luke in his ship to havened hoth. These two systems should be yours. If they try to come battle you the game should be yours. Just withstand their attack and then drop more ships + legendary. Lateral Damage shouldnt be a problem due to the 3 alters.

Send Obi and his blade along with support characters to hold a site and you should be ok. Use Projections to slow down the opponents drains elsewhere.

Narshaddaa’s are very beneficial in getting the guy you need quick. H’nemthe boosts their deploy while Bothan Spy can do some damage at their non-bg as well as cancel visage. And you can even retrieve with ishi tibs.

The Arconas should NOT be used to block a drain. That’s not what they’re in here for. The arconas are used to block decree under the shields. Just make sure you dont get trapped by arnet or nemet.

Now the Ishi Tibs. These guys are great. You get to cycle unwanted cards to get cards you need. These are great in helping to set up the super ships quick. Not only that but you can stack destinies with them. They are a traffic control that cant be altered and you can do it the turn you get an unwanted card instead of being vulnerable to monnok. One thing that I like to do is use ansb to search for cards im not ready to use yet. Then I ishi tib it back in the early game to give me an extra card in my hand.

2 spy pilots give you great versatility and tycho is just the man.

Now how to play against some decks.

S+V- use projections to slow them down. figrin should help you retrieve some stuff. set up the drains in space and beat on what he brings. You should be able to hold one site. Just get the legendary starfighter going and he’ll never come to space. He cant retrieve 7 cards a turn. you will win this game

hdadtj- use your 3 spies to cancel visage asap. set up your drains and apply 7 force a turn loss. use the ground characters wisely and avoid getting dueled. you should win this game.

endor ops- take over endor quick with your characters. then just send some ships to space. you should be able to cripple him with a 7 drain. you will win this game.

ties- sense his all powers. get legendary off. drain on the ground. drain in space. and take over wakeelmui. you should win this game

set your course- the aliens get around manipulator and ishi tibs kill it. you should be able to establish and then you’ve won. he cant stop your space drains. set your course beats just sucks so i dont see any problem beating it. you will win this game

bring him before me- dont worry about losing this one. give him luke. he’s losing force you’re not. just drain him for 7 in space. he’s not making you lose any battles so the cross isnt a possibility. you will win this game.

rops- this is the hardest matchup. get obi and guys to one of his sites asap. try to block the flip with ships at his system. you have to grab his alters. block drains with projections. use arconas to block decree on hoth. strikeforce will give you the game. you’ll control the site with obi and your drains in space are 2 and 1 with decree 4 and 3 without. this will give you the advantage you need to win. you should win this game.

Hopefully you see how good this deck is. In my opinion its pretty damn good. It beats everything. If you’re not convinced build it and play…you soon will be. I hope you enjoy winning because you’ll be doing a lot of that if you use this.

Clint “GameMaster” Hays