Luke Shall Join Us Or Die

Title: Luke Shall Join Us Or Die
Author: Chris "Artwo" Fanchi
Date: Jul 29, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8) Bring Him Before Me/ Take Your Father’s Place DSII Throne Room Your Destiny Insignifigant Rebeellion Prepared Defenses Mobilization Points Imperial Arrest Order You Cannot Hide Forever

Locations (7) Endor DSII Docking Bay Endor Landing Platform Endor Back Door Endor Ewok Village Endor Dark Forest Endor Forest Clearing

Characters (15) Emperor Palpatine Admiral Piett Commander Igar Darth Vader x2 Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Janus Greejatus Lord Vader Myn Kyneugh Sim Aloo Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle IG-88 With Riot Gun

Weapons (4) Darth Vader’s Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Vehicles (1) Tempest 1

Starships (7) Boba Fett In Slave 1 Bossk In Hounds Tooth Chimaera Emperor’s Personal Shuttle Executor The Emperor’s Shield The Emperor’s Sword

Effects (6) Crush The Rebellion Emperor’s Power I Am Your Father Oppressive Enforcement Overseeing It Personally Reactor Terminal

Interrupts (10) Dark Jedi Presence Evader Force Field Force Lightning I Have You Now Rise My Friend The Circle Is Now Complete x2 Twi’lek Advisor x2

Admirals Orders (2) We’re In Attack Position Now x2’

Strategy: ‘

Obviosly, you want to get your docking bays out as quickly as possible. So start by, first turn, getting DSII Docking Bay and putting the Emperor there (I know most decks do it like this, but it works). Next you want to get out the Endor Landing Platform and then get Vader there ASAP (draw up if you need to). Then Vader can just wait for Luke, drain for 1 (two if you add Vader’s Lightsaber) and make them lose for Your Destiny. If it looks like they’re playing Honor of the Jedi and no Luke, feel free to move Vader around and drain at one of the other Endor sites (they’re all battlegrounds and are all drain of 2). If it looks like the LS is playing space (or sometimes even if it doesn’t), use Mobilization Points to get Exeecutor and start beating them down in space. We’re In Attack Position is in there for a couple of reasons 1. Destiny of 6, can hardly go wrong there; 2. It doesn’t have any penalties; 3. It can get rid of your opponents’ possibly harmful AO; 4. Chimaera and Executor both become immune to attrition <7 and <14, respectively, because most of the pilots in this deck are leaders; and finally, 5. If you have this out, occupy Endor, and have Igar in Tempest 1 on Endor, they have to lose 1 force per turn. One final note I Am Your Father can be a big pain in the ass for the LS if they’re not using jedi Luke and try to send Luke at you.’