Our Most Desperate Hour

Title: Our Most Desperate Hour
Author: Joe "JoeCool144" Fox
Date: Aug 1, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Hidden Base Rendezvous Point HFTMF Your Insight Serves You Well Squadron Assignments Menace Fades

Sites Dagobah Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Home One War Room Hoth War Room Massassi War Room Alderaan Tatooine Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Cantina

Characters Obi-Wan Kenobi x3 Luke With Lightsaber x3 Lando With Gun Boussh Daughter Of Skywalker Tawss Khaa Capt. Han x2 DS2 Wedge Orrimaarko Dice Ibegon Momaw Nadon Boshek Bron Burs These last 4 are just for a little more retrieval

Starships Millenium Falcon x2 Red Squadron 1 Tantive 4 Spiral Red Leader In Red 1 Gold Leader In Gold 1 Home One Liberty

Weapons Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber x2 Anikan’s Lightsaber

Effects Our Most Desperate Hour x3 Honor Of The Jedi Mantellian Savrip Bacta Tank

Interrupts Smoke Screen Houjix Alter x2 Sense x2 Control x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

CARD EXCHANGE 1 alter for 1 frozen assets CARD EXCHANGE 1 sense for another tatooine system (I forgot you have to start with a hidden base indicator) CARD EXCHANGE

ok, now for the strategy section.

Everyone keeps saying that this deck will be killed by Something Special Planned For Them. That is not true. You don’t have to retrieve that much. It is for a little bit of retrieval. This deck is supposed to be played like a throne room mains deck. You can beat up the opponent with a lot of characters and activation. Except this deck has retrieval. You can set up some guys in space and start with Our Most Desperate Hour. Capt. Han and Wedge can both do Our Most Desperate Hour plus the new wedge is ability 3 so their is another one retrieved. All of the people in this deck are ability 3 + so I should retrieved like 7 or more each time I do this. Ok you get out tatooine and alderaan then get out dagobah and pull yodas hut for extra activation. So now you are activating a minimum of 10 by the 3rd turn, but it will probably be more due to the other sites. You can drain at my two drain sites with sabers but only if they are in space. If they aren’t in space, you lose the two drain sites and fight them while retrieving. OMDH isn’t essential to winning at all. In fact, I could take it out and just make a fake hidden base deck. Squadron assignments lets you get out capt han or wedge quickly to start retrieving.

VS. Hunt Down. Honor Of The Jedi destroys visage, so just beat em up and retrieve.

VS. Bring Him before me. Honor of the jedi hurts this because you only lose 1 force instead of 3. So just beat em up and retrieve.

VS. Ralltir Ops. Use frozen assets to stop the reacting at for 1 turn and just mutilate one small force their and then go for the others. You can also sense reacts, if they alter….CONTROL

VS. SYCFA. Well this sucks. Pretty much just fight em out. Don’t let them get out miiyoom onith. If they go for the non destroy alderaan deck, then you can retrieve.

VS. Court. Fight em out. Use your drain sites or drain at theirs. Shouldn’t be hard. Retrieve if you feel the need.

VS. Any DS space deck. This one is a bit tougher. You have to build your fleet at tatooine and alderaan. Put mantellian savrip out so you can forfeit extra jedi in your hand for battle damages. Retrieve some, and drain at the two drain sites. If they try to alter savrip, control it.

What I am trying to say is that this is throne room mains that lets you retreive when you want and if you want to You don’t have to if you don’t need to or if you can’t. It isn’t essential. ‘