Stick It In Your Yavin

Title: Stick It In Your Yavin
Author: Steven "Sir Yoda" Lewis
Date: Aug 1, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (7) Imperial Occupation / Imperial Control Yavin 4 Jungle Prepared Defenses Mobilization Points Oppressive Enforcement There Is No Try

Locations (10) Wakeelmui Kuat Death Star Coruscant Forest Desert Yavin 4 Jungle Dagobah Cave Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave

Characters (8) Baron Soontir Fel Sim Aloo Emperor Palpatine Lord Vader Lt. Arnet Col. David Jon Mara Jade Commander Igar

Starships (16) Emperor’s Sword Emperor’s Shield Dreadnaught x3 Bossk in Bus TIE Interceptor x10

Admiral’s Order (2) Battle Deployment x2

Vehicles (2) Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 1

Effects (6) Organa’s Necklace There’ll Be Hell To Pay Rebel Base Occupation Sienar Fleet Systems x2 Imperial Decree

Interrupts (9) Short Range Fighters x2 Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us Imperial Barrier Twilek Advisor x2 All Power To Weapons x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Basically, you pull up a <> site and then Wakeelmui on your 1st turn (pull Kuat instead if Wakeelmui is in your hand or Force pile). Then dig for TIEs, Dreadnaughts, and Sienar. Drop TIEs as you get them to Yavin system, with a Dreadnaught for power. Then put down a couple Imperials at the sites and drop Rebel Base Occupation and Organa’s Necklace. Decree slows down the opponent’s drains, and your drains + occupation are enormous. Also, the TIEs are unstoppable with a Dreadnaught and an All Power (they are power = 6 each, 7 if the opponent has an X-wing there), so the opponent probably won’t come to space. If you control Yavin, your total power at the sites is + a bunch for your TIEs and your immunity to attrition is huge at the generic sites, so therefore even though there aren’t very many characters in the deck, the ones you do have won’t leave the table.

Battle Deployment is in here to stop LS Admiral’s Orders like Fighters Coming In, to lower the opponent’s power in space, to prevent multiple destinies (making your immunity at the <> sites nearly insurmountable), and to pull combat vehicles (to buddy up with Igar and Arnet). This card is unbelievable in this deck.

Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us stops Nabrun, cancels a react (like Spiral), and most importantly kills Landing Claw (to preserve your power bonus at Yavin sites).

TWBHTP is in here to stop Sense and It Could Be Worse(which can severely cripple the deck).

Baron Fel pilots a Dreadnaught and makes your battle destiny enormous. He’s also good forfeit fodder to avoid a Legendary Starfighter at a key moment.

VS. Profit This is a tough game. Leave the Audience Chamber alien free and play your deck as it is built (i.e. ignore Tatooine). If you have trouble setting up drains or retrieval fast enough, go to Tatooine mid-game with some Imps or walkers. Also, watch for an opportunity to off Han in mid or late game with an Imp and a stacked destiny (stack your destinies with the TIE retrieval).

VS. Dagobah / Polarized Coupling Use Sienar to retrieve the Visored Vision and AFA damage, and grab his ICBW’s and Vision’s. Rely on the constant Yavin drain and Occupation to do him in.

VS. Dagobah / Test 6 Get out as fast as you can and hit him with drains early on. Save the grabber for On The Edge. Hopefully your drains + occupation will be large enough to end his hopes before the flip, but just in case, be wary of superfalcon and massive mains with a stacked 7 on Test 5.

VS. Yavin 4 Mains This is your hardest match up. Deploy the TIEs fast and get Sienar ASAP. Move slower with the rest of your deck (i.e. let the opponent deploy first to the ground) and watch out for Sense/Alter at key moments. When possible, deploy Occupation and fortify one or two sites. You should be able to pull it off as long as you get some 2/0 locations fairly quick.

VS. EBO Be sure you cover Yavin and use your Hoth sites for Decree. Also, you might want to distribute TIEs in the late-game in order to slow his drains. Also, you might want to hold a Dread and some TIEs for a heavy mid-game beatdown. With the constant Force loss and your retrieval, this should be an easy win.

VS. Hidden Base This is a breeze. Play your deck as it is intended, and probe for his base with a Dreadnaught and a couple TIEs. The Occupation should do him in, but be sure you protect it at the system. Grab Organized Attacks or ICBW or any other interrupts he plays.

VS. Operatives If anyone is dumb enough to play ops with all the new counter-cards out, he’s not too bright and you should beat him anyway. But just in case, be sure you get Decree off to slow his drains and Occupation for as much as you can (spread thin if necessary). Don’t go to his planet.

VS. Vader Conversion Ignore Luke and work your deck without deploying Vader. If Luke gets captured by your Imp, drop Vader and transfer to him to avoid the Force losses. Get Emperor at same site if possible to weaken the conversion destinies. You shouldn’t lose too many battles due to your immense power, but just in case, see that your sites are well-protected.

Finally, I know you are thinking “What about Grimtaash?” but let me assure you that Grimtaash is not a worry. You will deploy your TIEs as soon as you get them, and don’t be too greedy when drawing. As long as you keep your hand at a reasonable (10-15 card) level, you won’t be hurt that bad. And even if you lose 4 or 5 cards to a Grimtaash, the retrieval can get them back a lot of the time. If you are really scared of it, then play your second All Power lost as soon as you draw it to avoid losing them.

All educated comments are greatly appreciated. All morons who criticize the deck because they didn’t read the description and just looked at the cards obviously know nothing about Star Wars CCG anyway, and I don’t care what you think.

Steven Lewis, the Origins scrub ‘