The Worst Objective Isn t So Bad Anymore

Title: The Worst Objective Isn t So Bad Anymore
Author: Steven "Sir Yoda" Lewis
Date: Aug 1, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (7) Rebel Strike Team / Garrison Destroyed Endor Endor Rebel Landing Site Heading for the Medical Frigate Insurrection Strike Planning Squadron Assignments

Locations (8) Endor Landing Platform Endor Chirpa’s Hut Endor Back Door Endor Dense Forest Endor Hidden Forest Trail Rendezvous Point Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Home 1 War Room

Characters (28) Admiral Ackbar Nien Nunb Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader Kin Kian Col. Cracken Lt. Blount Corp. Kensaric Corp. Beezer Srg. Brooks Carlson Major Panno Corp. Midge Gen. Crix Madine Gen. Solo x2 Gen. Calrissian Col. Salm Daughter of Skywalker x2 Obi-Wan Kenobi x2 Jedi Luke x2 Chewbacca of Kashyyyk Orrinmarko H’nemthe x2 Ithorian x2

Weapons (3) Luke’s Saber Obi’s Saber Anakin’s Saber

Admiral’s Order (1) Capital Support

Starships (7) Home 1 Tala 1 Tala 2 Red Squadron 1 Gold Squadron 1 Gray Squadron 1 Sprial

Interrupts (4) Nar Shadaa Wind Chimes Gift of the Mentor The Signal Rebel Barrier

Effects (2) Close Air Support Honor of the Jedi ‘

Strategy: ‘

On your first turn, pull and deploy the Docking Bay with Insurrection, then pull Gen. Calrissian with Strike Planning and reveal him to pull the Falcon with Squadron Assignments, deploying both to Endor for 3 Force. Draw and deploy sites your first few turns and deploy any matching ships and pilots as you get them to Endor. Eventually drop Gen. Solo with some scouts for cheap at the Landing Site and begin to fortify Endor. Flip with your scouts and deploy the Admiral’s Order as soon as you can. Luke and Leia come down cheap on Endor and each have their own blades for drains. Occupy with your generals (including Obi-Wan) to work with Capital Support, deploy Ithorians, Kin Kian, and Midge for beefed drains, and use Close Air Support for battle and power destinies on the ground. When this deck gets working, the damage it does is big and fast and unless the opponent can slow you down early, you will win. Also, don’t forget that your opponent does NOT activate for the Endor system unless he is playing Endor Operations.

VS. Endor Operations So what if your opponent gets to activate for Endor? Your deck should eat his for breakfast. Play as normal and wreck whatever he puts at the sites. Get in the bunker if possible (from the Back Door). Be sure you control the Endor system with your combos (Lando + Nien, Wedge + Rogue pilots, etc.).

VS. Hunt Down Duels Use Honor of the Jedi to get around the Visage losses. Deploy Luke and Obi sparingly. Use spies to cancel Visage if necessary. Try to play without your mains to avoid duels. This will be a tough game, but you can pull it off.

VS. Ralltir Ops Ignore Ralltir and establish your drains as fast as possible. Barrier his beats as they come, and watch for an opportunity to flip him back with your ships and your mains. As long as you get your drains working on Endor, he shouldn’t stand a chance.

VS. TIEs Move fast to the system, holding off a few more turns on the ground until you have the system totally secured. Then drop on the ground mid-game for the drains AFTER he has deployed the majority of his TIEs. Move to Wakeelmui when you can to slow his deploy and your drains should push him out.

VS. Operatives Use Col. Salm to flip him back. Good game.

VS. Luke Conversion Deploy Luke without any worries and make him lose Force to his objective. Secure your sites to avoid losing battles and drain at one or two sites plus the system.

VS. SYCFA Manip Search for Gen. Solo and matching pilots to get around Screws and get Beezer down ASAP. Then drop your Rebels as you get them and you should wreck. (He can’t stop them all).

VS. Scum & Villainy This is your hardest game. Ignore the Audience Chamber, and focus your forces on one or two sites only as well as the system. Try to avoid letting him retrieve with Scum by using your barrier wisely and fortifying your sites. If you can’t slow the retrieval, you lose. Also, when he comes down with several unique aliens for a battle, don’t draw battle destiny so his guys will stay on the table and can’t come down again later. Then just move away from him and keep the drains going at the system. If you get a good start, you can win.

VS. ISB Use Lt. Blount to flip him back. Good game. ‘