Hunt Down FLOPS

Title: Hunt Down FLOPS
Author: Carson "tarkinsaide" Swanek
Date: Aug 2, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting8 Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi Executor Holotheater Executor Meditation Chamber Visage Of The Emperor Prepared Defenses Oppressive Enforcement Imperial Arrest Order Mobilization Points

Locations11 Executor Docking Bay Executor Main Corridor Executor Comm Station Executor Control Station Coruscant Docking Bay Death Star II Docking Bay Death Star II Throne Room Endor Kashyyyk Sullust Kessel

Characters13 Admiral Piett Admiral Ozzel Admiral Chiraneau Commander Igar Commander Brandei Commander Merrejk Commander Gherant Baron Soontir Fel Grand Moff Tarkin Darth Vader x2 Lord Vader Mara Jade, The Emperors Hand

Starships16 TIE Interceptor x8 Flagship Executor Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x2 Accuser Avenger Devastator Vengeance Visage

Vehicles2 Tempest 1 Blizzard 2

Effects5 Flagship Operations x2 Return To Base Imperial Decree Reactor Terminal

Interrupts2 Imperial Command Twilek Advisor

Weapons2 Vaders Lightsaber Mara Jades Lightsaber

Admirals Order1 Battle Deployment’

Strategy: ‘

This is the original Hunt Down Flagship Ops deck. Accept no imitations. Heres how it works On your first turn, get out Executors Docking Bay. Use Mobilization Points to pull the Executor. Thats 3 sites already, only on your first turn. When you get a signal, search for Flagship Ops. If you have Commander Gherant, Admiral Piett, or Imperial Command, go down the line to search for Gherant command for piett, piett for gherant. Use Gherant to search for Executor sites for a quick Ops. Use Darth Vader at the Meditation Chamber for under-ability systems. Put high-ability pilots in low-ability Star Destroyers. Vaders and Jades Lightsabers are used for force draining. If anybody has any ideas of how to get rid of Visage, let me know. Heres some card strategies -Use Piett for his ability to pull commanders and AOs. Put him on Executors Control Station -Use Ozzel to lower ships deploy costs -Use Chiraneau to boost drains -Put Igar in Tempest 1 for serious ground control -Use Brandei to pull Interceptors -Use Merrejk to pull systems -Put Soontir Fel on a Dreadnaught full of TIEs and watch the fun begin -Grand Moff Tarkin is for piloting and Kessel -Imperial Command is perfect for this deck -You can use the AO to pull your AT-ATs

vs.Throne Room Mains Set up FLOPS, drain them out.

vs. EBO Good matchup. Battle them and drain them to death

vs. Hidden Base Shouldnt be too hard to probe

vs. Ops Kill them for fun and drain

vs. Odds odds is now dead, which is why no protection is needed

vs. Profit Drain

vs. TIGIH Dont let Luke get near any imperials.

vs. anything else Drain and battle

Thanks for reading. If anyone has any suggestions, you know what to do. Tell me what I need and dont need. They dont allow more than 60 cards in a deck. —Carson ‘