Your Insight Does Not Server You Well Sir

Title: Your Insight Does Not Server You Well Sir
Author: justin "Grendal" abdallah
Date: Aug 2, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘starting there is good in him/i can save him jedi luke w/his shaft endorchirpa’s playhouse heading for the medical frigate your insight serves you well insurrection lets keep a little optimism here

locations Endorbunker Endorback door Endorgreat forest Endor rebel landing site Endorhidden forest trail Endordense forest Endorlanding platform Endor Kessel Rendevous point

characters Corporal janse captain yutani corporal midge major panno (ohhhhh yeah) beezer COK general solo general calrissian DOS x2 orrimarko corporal kensaric colonel cracken junkin Paige Lt.blount admiral ackbar

Interrupts anakin skywalker rebel leadership (awesome card) Insertion planning x2 protector careful planning take the initiative x4

effects projection of a skywalker x2 lightsaber proficiency Honor of the jedi battle plan

Weapons anakins shaft blastech E-11 blaster rifle x2 concussion missiles

ships home one defiance liberty gold squadron 1

Strategy: ‘

this deck is pretty self explanatory. i’m sure it works really well against the new dark side objective. anyway, i really like the corporal midge and han combo. At the back door its a drain of 3-4 if u have leia with her stick. You can also slap a blaster on midge and get major weapon destiny draws. I absolutely love major panno. in this deck he’s nice cuz u get an extra force generation of 4, plus two more at any site luke is. Basically just spread thin using all the scouts and also spread thin is space, The space portion isnt that strong but maybe someone could help on that. ‘