Why Lee Edwards is No 1 057 in the world

Title: Why Lee Edwards is No 1 057 in the world
Author: Lee "Terron" Edwards
Date: Aug 3, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective You Can Either Profit By This…/Or Be Destroyed

Locations(7) TatooineJabbas Palace Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palace Entrance Cavern Tatooine Judland Wastes Tatooine Lars’ Moisture Farm Tatooine Mos Eisley Tatooine Cantina

Characters(27) General Solo Master Luke x2 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Ben Kenobi x3 Han with Blaster Pistol Leia with Blaster Rifle x2 Chewbacca Orrimaarko Yoxgit Tessek x2 Bothan Spy x2 Elom x10

Weapons/Devices(4) Luke’s Bitch-stick Obi-Wan’s Bitch-stick Landing Claw x2

Starships(2) Gold Leader in Gold 1 Lando in Millenium Falcon

Interrupts(8) Heading for the Medical Frigate Nar Shadda Wind Chimes Rebel Barrier x2 Clash of Sabers Tunnel Vision Someone Who Loves You x2

Effects(11) Wise Advise Do or Do Not Your Insight Serves You Well Aim High Bargaining Table Bacta Tank Honor of the Jedi I Hope She’s Alright Traffic Control Draw Their Fire What’re You Trying to Push On Us?’

Strategy: ‘

A few notes Landing Claw is not always needed against TIE decks. I Hope She’s Alright, the massive drains (I had it up to 16 against one TIE deck), Aim High, and Bargaining Table should get you the win. Also, Lando in Falcon is immune to Tallon Roll, but thatnks for pointing that tactic out to me martian. I won’t be deploying GLig1 to a system where the opponent has a TIE if I’ve seen some Tallon Rolls lost earlier in the game. I’m not afraid of Hunt Down start TIE decks, though I won’t be starting Aim High against them, when Honor of the Jedi hits the table (first turn when I lose Insight Serves You Well), they’ll be losing 2 force a turn, 1 from Visage, 1 from I Hope She’s Alright. Then once they get 3 battlegrounds, I can send in Bothans and get in 2 extra drains of 2 and cancel Visage. If they stick Vader at the Chamber first turn, well he’s gonna get his ass kicked by Elom smackdown. And I always start Aim High against a deck that starts a system or SYCFA. Against most other decks, this deck is really adaptive. It can dish and take damage pretty heavily, both battles and drains. If you’re familiar with playing non-uniques, it should be fairly easy to play, as long as you know your opponent’s strategy and how to beat it.

Everything should be pretty obvious. The usual start is

General Solo as the captive (because secret plans can screw retrieval with Han Solo, and you want the Audience Chamber as a drain site, so Jedi Pack Han won’t do. General Solo cancels destiny with Chewbacca, or Jedi Luke/Orrimaarko at an exterior site.) Heading for the Medical Frigate Wise Advise (catch cards and SAC) Your Insight Serves You Well (Dark Jedi defense -1, numbers killer, and lose to grab Honor of the Jedi) 3rd Effect depending on opponent

Other curious card choices Landing Claw tech, because the empty 5 slots would not make an adequate space fleet unless I had some versatile pilots and anti-Lateral Damage cards..it’s just not gonna happen. Only 1 Nar Shadda Chimes, because Eloms should be dying in larger numbers than the Bothans in ROTJ 2 Someone Who Loves You as a backup to keep Han alive or free him if they have the AC garrisoned

Strategy vs. different deck types

TIEs I have yet to lose to a TIE deck. 3rd Effect should be Aim High to slow down their retrieval. Flip ASAP. Second turn at latest. Spread thin, but play it safe by keeping a barrier or two in hand. Landing Claw on their Dreadnaughts, but only after Yoxgit hits the table, set up Bargaining Table and I Hope She’s Alright. Tessek at the AC and spread with an Elom and a main at every site youve got. Detach the Claw during their control phase to circumvent Battle Order and cause 1 force loss with Lando in Falcon. Try to track a 1 so they cannot sacrifice their TIE squadrons to an Asteroid Sector.

Bring Him Before Me 3rd Effct should be Do or Do Not. SAC will hurt big time with Wise Advise + Do Or Do Not. If you can get a spy and 3 Eloms in hand, attack the Emperor with everything youve got. If the opponent deploys Vader early, deploy Jedi Luke from Reserve on top of him to make him lose 1 force per turn. Never put Luke with a scrub, unless Vader is far away and he has deployed IAO. Luke can also be used to smackdown on opponents characters, forfeit him, then deploy from Lost Pile next turn. Combo enhanced if Yoxgit on table, so you can retrieve his saber and deploy it on him every turn. if you manage to knock out the Emperor early, and stick Luke on Vader, you should have the game won fairly easily. Do not spread thin, force the opponent to come to you with a big drain using Cantina Shuffle or hold down the AC. Tessek probably will not see action this game unless youre using him to help out the deploy of your Eloms and Bothans for one turn, before Tessek rejoins your big guys next door. Landing Claw can help if they try to hold a system or two. Late game you might be able to hit him at a system if he deploys a small ship to a system and loses most of his ships to drains.

Ralltiir Ops 3rd Effect should be Draw Their Fire. Flip fairly quickly and set up a big drain at the AC, and possibly a second using the Cantina shuffle. Stay indoors as much as possible. Slow down opponents drains with Landing Claw, but once again, get Yoxgit to the AC. Godhert should not be a problem. When he cancels during move phase, Yoxgit can retrieve next turn, then deploy and attach during opponents control phase, keeping him from battling. Go for small attacks using the Bacta Tank to keep your hit squad guys alive, and 2-3 Eloms, retrieving 1 and forcing opponent to lose 1. If opponent is planning on reacting to a battle, deploy guys to both sites, and battle the place where his reacting vehicle is first. Orrimaarko is your favorite character in this matchup. Pick and choose your battles on Tatooine with Clash of Sabers and Rebel Barriers, but make sure not to spread thin on the ground, and get out the Bacta Tank ASAP.

Hunt Down and Destroy the Jedi 3rd Effect should be Do Or Do Not. First turn, grab Honor of the Jedi with Insight, and deploy it once you occupy a battleground. Vader will get his ass handed to him with Eloms. There is no dueling protection in here, but your average destiny is very high, and Ben and Jedi Luke each have anti-dueling text (add 2 to your total on Ben, and subtract 3 from your opponent’s total on Jedi Luke, yes I’m sure Epic Duel is an attempt to cross over, as per Justin Pakes’ recent ruling). If the opponent tries to spread thin to circumvent Honor of the Jedi, Elom his ass.

That’s about it. This deck is fairly solid, and is one of the only decks I’ve seen that can really beat TIEs consistantly. Have fun. ‘