Wicked Luke

Title: Wicked Luke
Author: Mike "Razzman" Grazul
Date: Aug 3, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting Stuff Yavin 4 Massassi Throne Room Farm Swamp Careful Planning

Other Locations Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Home One War Room Yavin 4 Massassi War Room Hoth Command Center (War Room) Cloud City Lower Corridor Cloud City Carbonite Chamber Coruscant Tatooine Jundland Wastes

Characters Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker With Lightsaber x2 Ben Kenobi x2 Obi-Wan Kenobi Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol Chewie With Blaster Rifle Daughter Of Skywalker Boussh Wedge Antilles Mon Mothma Romas “Lock” Navander Lieutenant Blount Tawss Khaa Melas Kal’Falnl C’ndos

Weapons Anakin’s Lightsaber Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Starships Home One Independence Lando In Falcon Gold Leader In Gold 1 Gold Squadron Y-Wing x3 Spiral Tantive IV

Effects Legendary Starfighter Honor Of The Jedi What Are You Trying TO Push On Us? x2 Wise Advise Menace Fades Traffic Control Your Insights Serve You Well Revolution x2 Let’s Keep A Little Optimism Here

Interrupts Shocking Information Clash Of Sabers Nabrun Leids x2 Alter x3

Creatures Nudj x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Your all think “oh great another Yavin 4 Mains Deck.” Well…Yeah it is another Yavin 4 Mains deck that went terribly wrong. Actually I play with the cards that I have. If I don’t have a card I change to make this deck work. This deck can take out Ralops and Possibly HD. I try to finish the game in one or two battles. If this doesn’t work I just drain then to death while choke them with some Revos and nudjs. Two Revos is perfect. That way if they play Evader I just lose the Revos cause I would try to get out Your Insight Serves You Well then get Honor, or just dig for Honor Of The Jedi. I might rethink and out in 3 Senses instead of Alters cause with Sense you can Sense anything and almost everything including oppenents Senses. I don’t lose to Do or Do Not, b/c I can get Honor out real fast and then all I have to lose is the Alter. It’s still in the early processes of construction so I can repair it anytime in the near future.

Against Other Decks Ralops Too Easy, Revos to there important sites, like, forest and maybe docking bay. Then just drop your aliens to the forest and just keep stacking on the guys until they flip. Also drop Tantive fast so that can slow there flip down and you can drain you beat them to death. Again Drop Luke, Jedi Knight with Annie’s saber and let him go off on his own and beat people over the head with his Lightsaber.

Hunt Down Try to get Honor out real quick and getting Luke in your hand should be no problem; Or just Revolve the Meditation Chamber and Drop guys there real easy. Use Your Ships to knock them out of the space. You have 9 powerful to semi-powerful ships. I suggest you use them or else. Don’t be afraid to dump out Tantive by itself. It can take a good beating and keep on ticking. Same with Spiral. If he uses Lat Dam then just alter the damn thing. Think with your brain and it will be a piece of cake.

Bring Him Before Me Give him Luke and get out Honor Fast Then drop a huge amount of characters to whip the floor with Vader. Honor Will Slow down the force lost unless you can get Luke to a battleground. Then if he gets close to Luke Nabrun Luke away to a safe spot where Vader will have to use more force to get to him. All the time beat the hell out of Vader whenever and wherever. Not to mention there Obj. lets you get Luke out and deploy me for cheaper.

Others ISB is dead with Blount in the deck. Inserts is dead forever unless someone sneaks in an insert when your caught off guard. TIE deck may be hard but big drains and big fleet can knock them out. Just go from system to system with all or as many ships as possible and beat them dwon. Maybe add an “I Hope She’s Alright” if you get paranoid of TIES. ‘