Overseeing YAVIN 4 s Occupation Version 2

Title: Overseeing YAVIN 4 s Occupation Version 2
Author: Hartman "Moff Hart" Andersen
Date: Aug 3, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting(7) Imperial Occupation/Imperial Control Yavin 4 Forest Prepared Defenses Mobilization Points Imperial Arrest Order You Cannot Hide Forever

Locations(8) Desert Jungle Swamp Yavin 4 Docking Bay Death Star II Docking Bay Executor Docking Bay Coruscant Docking Bay Rendili——-pull out with Mobil. Points

Characters(13) Emperor Palpatine Lord Vader x2 Darth Vader With Lightsaber Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade x2 DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Admiral Piett Colonel Jendon Admiral Chiraneau

Starships(7) Executor Devastator Tyrant Thunderflare Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Dengar In Punishing One

Vehicles(4) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 3

Weapons(2) Vader’s Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Admiral’s Orders(2) We’re in Attack Position Battle Deployment

Effects(11) Rebel Base Occupation Imperial Decree Overseeing It Personally Organa’s Ceremonial Necklace Search and Destroy—-anti EBO or Jedi Test Broken Concentration—-anti Jedi Test There is No Try Something Special Planned for Them Battle Order Lateral Damage x2

Interrupts(6) Twi’lek Advisor x2 Overwhelmed Trample x2 Ghhhk ‘

Strategy: ‘

I loved to play my Yavin 4 Occupation deck a ways back. DSII has made it even better and funner. This is Version 2 of the deck. I played in a tourny last night and went against EBO and timed out. I made some alterations to the original that are great against EBO and Jedi Testing. The deck was already great against other deck types.

First off, you’ll notice that you use the Objective to pull out the Non-unique sites. Don’t try to flip this Objective unless you make up your own Yavin Operatives. Also, Prepared Defenses lets you start with some great effects like Imperial Arrest Order(IAO). IAO, in conjuction with the Objective will allow you to pull out all of your locations in 3 turns easy. Mobilization Points is great because you can pull out Rendili or Executor 1st turn. Also, you’ll activate more at the DBays. You Cannot Hide Forever helps you pull out that one DSII or Endor effect that you can’t draw quickly enough (Battle Order, Search and Destroy, Overseeing it Personally–in case you find Emperor in first couple of draws, or Something Special Planned for Them–you choose.)

You’ll notice that your’e well equipped for ground and space. You mainly want to use you space to control Yavin 4 for your Rebel Base Occupation. I have put in some surprises for those speedy Rebels (2 Lateral Damages, the 2 Admiral’s Orders(AO), and Overwhelmed). Overwhelmed can surprise you opponent. If you have more than double the power in space, cause all of his ships to go to the used pile. This is great if they have tons of destiny adders/subtractors in space that can really hurt you(Captain Solo, Wedge, Nien Numb + General Calrissian, etc.) The Bounty Hunter ships always do the trick too. The AO’s can frustrate your opponent’s space strategy. If they are using the superfalcon and Wedge on Red Squadron 1, along with other goodies, BUT without capital starships, Battle Deployment can really weaken their ships by subracting 2 from each ship if they don’t have a capital ship. It also helps you pull out your combat vehicles for some Trampleing action on the ground. We’re in Attack Position Now helps to give your Capital ships immunity to attrition and cheap pilot deploy. Notice that the Imp class star destroyers are mostly cheaper deploy but high power (Devastator, Tyrant, and Thunderflare).

So, you want to definitely control Yavin 4, and dominate the Yavin sites below. Very easy with AT-ATs, AT-STs, tramples, Lord Vaders, Moff Tarkin, Emperor, Mara Jades, lightsabers, and six awesome pilots that go great on the vehicles or in space (every one of them adds three to power for cheap deploy). Admiral Piett lets you pull out AO’s and deploy your capital starships -1.

Your force drain potential is awesome Use Rebel Base Occupation to make them lose 1 for each site you occupy. Use Organa’s Ceremonial Necklace to spread the drain wealth across Yavin. Overseeing it personally adds 1 to drains at related locations where Emperor is. Use the Twi’lek Advisors to pull some of these effects out. The potential for force loss to opponent is huge (at one location you could have a force drain of 5(necklace, overseeing it personally, lightsaber, occupation, and normal force icon drain).

Extra TIPS Don’t forget to add 2 to forfeit of you imperials with ability less than 3(IAO). Use Something Special Planned for Them if they are retrieving with On/Off the Edges or other interrupts or Utinni effects. Also, if you are dominating in space and the Rebels want to retreat, they must spend +2 to move away. Search and Destroy is great for Echo Base Operations and Jedi Testing, where opponent might not be interacting as much on battlegrounds. Just occupy two battleground sites and they lose 1 force every draw phase if they don’t occupy battleground site. Pull out Broken Concentration with Twi’lek Advisor if they are using Jedi Testing. This should slow them down for a couple of turns. If they do Jedi Test 1, your drain bonuses are canceled, but your Occupation damage to opponent is not. If you can’t stand his other Jedi tests, bring Bossk in Hound’s Tooth and a load of passengers to Dagobah and lay waste with Vader, Mara, and sabers.

If you rated my first deck, you should rate it higher with the changes I made to this deck (+activation, anti-EBO and anti-Jedi Testing). If you didn’t rate my first deck, you’ll simply love this one. Let me know what you think….’