Death to all

Title: Death to all
Author: Rich "JekPorkins" Baliban
Date: Aug 4, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘SYCFA/TUPITU Death Star Alderaan Docking Bay 327 Imperial Arrest Order Oppressive Enforcement Imperial Decree Prepared Defenses

Locations 8 War Room Conference Room Yavin 4 Hoth Endor Kashyyyk Sullust Kessel

Characters 16 Death Star Gunner x3 EPP Vader Boba Fett Grand Moff Tarkin Captain Piett Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Admiral Ozzel Officer Evax Baron Soontir Fel Captain Godherdt Admiral Piett Commander Igar Admiral Chiraneau DLOTS

Starships 14 Avenger DiP1 ZiMH Devastator Flagship Executor Thunderflare Death Star Assault Squadron Bossk In Bus Judicator Vengeance Accuser Visage Tyrant Conquest

Vehicles 2 Blizzard 2 Tempest 1

Effects 3 Reactor Terminal Return To Base Battle Order

Interrupts 4 Alter Sense Put All Sections On Alert It’s Worse

Weapons 2 Superlaser Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Epic Events 2 Commence Primary Ignition x2

Admiral’s Orders1 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Here is the basic strategy…blow up alderraan ASAP, and then go from there doing whatever u need to kill certain decks EBO…blow up hoth…as soon as this is done, then the game is urs, considerign they lose a lot of their power and drain bonuses…also use its worse if they try to play it could be worse Ops…blow up the subjagated planet and out drain them…this is an easy matchup Throne Room Mains..blow up yavin, and then out drain…couldnt be simpler New DS 2 obj…never let ur imperials at sited…put them all on ships as forfiet fodder as u out drain them in space MBO….use the death star assult squad to stop that, and then blow up yavin, and out drain Profit…start Mara and Fett and reinforce asap and outdrain them in space MWYHL…blow up Alderaan, and then out drain and conquer in space…you should win Any other deck, just blow up Alderaan and outdrain…

I am welcome to any comments that u might have to this deck, for this is my first attempt at one…thank u all

Props go to Tarkinsaide for the idea for this deck…his was the basic layout for mine

Jek Porkins ‘