Big Time Activation = Big Time BEAT DOWN

Title: Big Time Activation = Big Time BEAT DOWN
Author: Michael "choker" Sorrell
Date: Aug 6, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8) Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost Endor Endor Bunker Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Prepared Defenses Mobilization points Imperial Arrest Order Combat Response

Characters (14) Baron Soontir Fel Officer Evax Emperor Palpatine Grand Moff Tarkin Commander Igar Admiral Ozzel Major Turr Phennir Commander Merrejk Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Colonel Jendon DS-181-3 Admiral Chiraneau Lord Vader Admiral Piett

Vehicles (2) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1

Starships (13) Saber 1 Saber 2 Saber 3 Onyx 1 Boosk In Hound’s Tooth Boba Fett In Slave 1 Zuchuss In Mist Hunter Dominator Death Squadron Star Destroyer Vengence Chiraera Executor Devestator

Weapons (1) Vader’s Lightsaber

Locations (7) Death Star II Docking Bay Coruscant Docking Bay Rendili Sullust Kashyyk Fondor Kessel

Admiral’s Orders (3) We’re In Attack Position Now Battle Order x2

Effects (8) Security Precautions Lateral Damage x3 Battle Order Ominous Rumors Imperial Decree Something Special Planned For Them

Interrupts (4) Dark Maneuvers Masterful Move Monnok Imperial Command’

Strategy: ‘

First of all, this deck is an modified version of some similar decks that I’ve seen in the Yavin IV tournament scene. I feel that this deck is very well rounded, primarily because it directly combats two major light side decks, the “super falcon”/training deck and the infamous EBO. Although this deck does not match up against profit decks on the ground, its large (and fast) drains combined with combat vehicles and Vader usually yield wins. Cause lets be honest. How many profits decks can take on a space armada?

My start is pretty self explanatory. Before you activate check to see if Rendili is in your hand. If it is not, pull it out of your reserve using Mobilization Points. If it is, pull Executor out of your reserve. Now activate and immediatly take Ominous Rumors into hand using your objective and deploy (don’t risk letting your opponent get to Endor before you get this out). During your deploy phase pull out a docking bay (your selection really does not matter because your transit is free for both DBs in the deck). Try to slap down a cheap imperial at your just deployed docking bay (only a spy or a revolution will allow your opponent to deploy there on the first turn). After your first turn you should have Rendili, the docking bay you yanked from your reserve, Endor Landing Platform, Endor Bunker, and Endor on table. If you have an imperial controlling the docking bay these sites should give you nine force w/o any help from your opponent

Basic strategy is as follows On your first turn you should have used two force to deploy Ominous Rumors. If you have DS-61-3 or Saber 3 in hand, use Squadron Assignments to deploy them to Endor for another two force (your opponent is not going to be able to take this combo first turn and make you lose anything other than forfeit value. This should give you a solid drain of two for awhile Though watch out for decks starting with Strike Planning and Squadron Assignments (this could allow them to get Lando and the Falcon out first turn). If you don’t have this combo, just draw a couple cards to strengthen your hand. On your second turn you should deploy your other DB from your reserve and get some ground power at Endor Landing Platform. Move your lone imperial at your docking bay over to Endor Landing Platform for free to strengthen your grip on the site. On the subsequent turns take your star destroyers and starships and deploy them to your planets as they are made available. DON’T OVER DEPLOY TO SYSTEMS As a matter of fact, keep your forces fairly weak in order to lure the Falcon or another unsuspecting ship into a battle. Oh well…you lose the battle when light side comes down on your lone star destroyer with an ability two pilot. That’s where the lateral damages come into hand. Lateral Damage whatever your opponent has left at that system and use your massive force activation (through Mobilization Points w/ DBs and your systems)to deploy a beatdown. YOU WANT YOUR OPPONENT TO DEPLOY IN SPACE. Use Commander Merrejk (either on a star destroyer or at a site) to pull battle ground systems. Try to always deploy Admiral Chiraneau to Endor, Sullust, or Kessel, so he can enhance your force drains at each of these systems. Stay clear of deploying to Rendili because its distance from your other planets could get you in trouble if you need to run, which should rarely happen.

WHERE DO THE ADMIRAL’S ORDERS COME INTO PLAY??? Use the Admiral’s Orders when they benefit you. Put out Battle Order if you can set up the capitol/starfighter combo. This card is especially good because it allows you to pull Blizzard 2 and Tempest 1 from reserve to either secure Endor Landing Platform or stop an annoying force drain. If you have a lot of star destroyers with pilots available deploy We’re In Attack Position Now to lower your deploy and make your star destroyers practically invincible (immune to attrition <4). Also, with this card don’t forget to make your opponent lose a force if you control Endor Landing Platform with Commander Igar.

HERE ARE SOME EXPLANATIONS PERTAINING TO CARD SELCTION. I decided to include Lord Vader and his stick just because this is quite frankly the best combo going in the game right now. Vader can stop a persistent force drain from a profit deck single handling. If you can get Tarkin with him they can start clearing sites. Mara is imperative to this deck because she plays much the same role as Vader. SHE STOPS DRAINS Who can resist a power four spy who is immune to attrition <4? Emperor Palpatine belongs in this deck because he can help establish early control over Endor Landing Platform or can sit in the Bunker w/o fear of getting the crap beaten out of him with a revolution and a few unwanted mains. I opted for star destroyers that provide ability of two only because a star destroyer that does not draw battle destiny just does not cut it Destiny is much more important than some unique abilitys other star destroyers provide like Stalker’s extra armor. The ability two permanent pilot allows me to deploy a star destroyer w/ a pilot and always draw destiny. I included Something Special Planned For Them to obviously hamper nasty retrieval engines using On the Edge, which are included in most EBO and Dagobah training decks.

FORCE DRAIN Use Ominous Rumors to increase your drains by 2 at up to two systems. Remember all you have to do is occupy your Endor sites and you get big drains in space. Combine this drain increaser with Admiral Chiraneau (who can be obtained with Imperial Commmand) and you should be hitting your opponent for atleast six or seven cards by turn four or five.

Don’t worry about seeing an EBO deck. Just blow them out of the sky. Most EBO decks are built on the foundation that they will either run from your space battles or try to over power you. They can do neither. If they run, you have enough force to deploy to wherever they fled without much trouble, and most EBO decks have only 12 ships, much of which are small starships. This deck has 13 ships, most of which are big, and all can easily draw battle destiny. Your dominance in space power and activation will put the light side at your mercy.

Super Falcon? I don’t care what you say, Lateral Damage= DEAD FALCON And the falcon won’t be able to stop multiple drains of 3 or more in space.

Training? Jedi test 1 obviously hurts this deck. Although it still has excellent drains in space despite losing force drain bonuses. It will be hard for the light side to retrieve often as well with We Have Something Special Planned For Them and the limited mains in this deck should not be able to drain against the land power in this deck.

Profit? This deck represents your most formidible opponent. Get your big drains set up while your opponent gets his ensemble ready to free Han. When they free Han just keep methodically hitting them with drain until they spread out (they will be forced to spread if you hit them hard enough with multiple drains). When they spread, come down with a walker and Vader or Tarkin or Mara and slow the light side’s drains. The key to victory is speed and setting up your land defense at the right time.

Hidden Base? Hidden Base decks usually pack a lot of space punch, but your Lateral Damages should give you the edge. Try to draw your opponent into what this deck does best— A BEAT DOWN A starship that is power zero and forfeit zero does not give the light side an advantage, no matter who’s in the starship. Plus, your drains will be superior, which means you might only have to get a few drains through a turn. If you ever look through your reserve and see that Security Precautions is not there, you may want to consider drawing from your force pile for this card. It kills Hidden Base in one turn

WARNING This deck is card intensive, so watch over deploying. If you don’t think you need it, chances are you don’t. Don’t delpoy unless you know it’s the right decision.

FEEDBACK TO REVIEWERS Someone raised a good question about Lateral Damage not being immune to Alter and my lack of Sense/Alter protection in this deck. In most cases where the falcon is going to be Lateral Damaged is either against a dagobah training deck (add 4 to sense and alter attempts), endor scouts (highest ability character other than Luke is usually 3), and EBO (I’ve never seen a deck this card intensive have room for Sense/Alters). So against my areas decks, I’ve had no problems keeping lateral damage on the table for the reason listed above. However, if you think its necessary to have some SA protection, possibly substitute a Wise Advise for the third Lateral Damage. I would not recommend using Their Is No Try simply because Honor of the Jedi (a card now in every light deck) prevents your opponent’s force loss. If you asked me though, I’d just forget about SA protection. This deck does not have much to sense or alter anyway.