Author: Alfred "ThaBraHmaBuL" Dong
Date: Aug 8, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Start (6)

Just Bring It/Sit Down, Jabroni Throne Room Insignificant Rebellion Your Destiny Twilek Advisor Bad Feelings Have I

Locations (7)

Coruscant Executor Meditation Chamber Executor Holotheatre (3-0 site) Endor Back Door Hoth 3rd Marker Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Lar’s Farm


Lord Vader x3 Darth Vader x2 Mara Jade, The Emporers Pimp x2 Emporer Palpatine Jabba the Hutt Zuckuss 4-LOM w/ Concussion Rifle x2 Dr. Evazan

Weapons (5)

Vader’s Lightsaber x3(Premiere) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber x2

Starships (2)

Executor Chimaera


Sense x7 Alter x3 Control x4 Monnok x2 You Are Beaten The Circle is Now Complete x2 Always Thinking with Your Stomach x2 Elis Helrot x3


Come Here You Big Coward Imperial Decree The Emporer’s Power

Strategy: ‘

Some added things

Ok, first off, I DO NOT NEED MORE SHIPS…..if EBO/HB wasnt around I swear I wouldnt even have these in there. Zuckuss I dont have because, hes already IN THERE as a character, and he has 4 power to get smacked on 24/7. Also, with 2 ships in there, I need them to last, so Bossk wasnt included. Fett has replaced Chimaera.

Second, DLOTS isnt in there because the destiny is a little too low to be choking anything but Han and Chewie, and thats not needed. Lord Vader is unstoppable with the stick, hits EVERYTHING and anything especially at the 3rd Marker and the Farm. Darth adds to your otherwise weak destinies, and guarantees a 2 destiny with Emporers Power.

Third off, David Akers did NOT post this same deck, if you dont believe me, you can go to his page and look for it yourself….it aint there. I dont know who exactly posted the deck in question, but Ive had my ideas for awhile now……someone posted it before me, THATS ALL. Personally, I think this version is ALOT more refined than his…..

The Strategy

This is simple and fun……Play it like Hunt Down, its got the same theory in it…..kill the Jedi.

Its easy….Emporer comes down first turn to the Throne Room, and now you can use all that SAC you were holding in your hand. Emporer’s Power and Bad Feelings make all mains deploy +4 to the Throne Room, so youd know if they were trying to beat up the Emporer. If theyre doing Throne Room and go first, drop a spy to the Throne Room, let them. Drop Emporer to Yavin and youve got the same deal, play CHYBC and laugh at thier wasted spy.

Draw the first few turns, to get control with SAC and build up your hand. When youre ready for it, drop Vader and stick to any battleground…..now, your opponents first instinctive is to give you Luke. Should they do that, Elis Vader away, and give them a choice. Send Luke to the Used Pile or leave him at the site(yes, this is legal)…..if they leave him at the site, thats great…..that means theyre draining next turn, and that means you make Luke missing with Always Thinking with Your Stomach, and now your opponent is losing 3 a turn to Your Destiny.

Vader rarely gets worked when hes alone in this deck because Luke gets captured, Obi gets Circled, and Han and Leia are easy to deal with. Vader and Mara get 2 destiny every battle if you want, thanks to the Power, so add when you need it. Eloms? Try Monnok. When theyve got about a 10 card hand,and you nail even 3 or 4, youve got it, since most Elom decks have only 8 to 10 in there. If youre worried, drop Mara and Vader together and your opponent will never go near them. Honor you can Alter easily, theyll find its hard even to occupy ONE BG.

Some cards explained

SAC package You can change this up if you want, I find 7-3-4 works great for me. Alters Ive lessened up on because alot of Effects are Immune, and I found myself stuck with alot in my hand when I used more.

2 ships I understand my space fleet is small, but truth be told I dont need many ships in here. Decree handles EBO, convert Coruscant, drop the ships to Kessel and they both have immunity, high power, and draw destiny with Power. The only other ship id consider is Fett in Slave 1, because he can draw 2, and hes got solid immunity and decent power…..Zuckuss I dropped because Ive got no backup for him and his 4 power, Bossk because he dies too quickly.

What to do vs. certain decks

EBO Not a problem……start Decree instead of Bad Feelings, and drop Vader, Emporer and Mara to Hoth and get it running. Control the Ice Storms, and if they really want to, they can come battle you. Your ships can block the Kessel drain, convert Coruscant, or Control the drains if you need to.

Hidden Base This is dead around here but it shouldnt be a problem….make sure Vader hits the table early and hit them with drains fast and Your Destiny. Draw for your ships and wait until AFTER theyve flipped to move and start probing. Sense the Power Pivots, and the All Wings/Its a Hit, and the game should be yours.

Throne Room/Endor Uprising This eats them up alive. Endor Uprising is worse because they give you the Farm to drain at….Drop Vader, and let the fun begin. Capture Luke, Circle Obi and now theyre left with nothing but Han, Leia and Tawss Khaa. Set up drains, and if you get Luke missing its game.

Profit Same as Throne Room, Mess with Luke, Circle Ben with 4-LOM, and Monnok away if they have Eloms or something. Easy game, they should never free Han since you Sense the Love cards.

There is Good in Him/Matts Killa Leaving Eloms alone in Docking Bays arent smart, especially since Ive got 2 power 6 Maras in here and Vaders to back her up. Your SAC package DOMINATES thiers, and those decks just LOSE to Monnok.

I think that about covers it. This is a solid deck with awesome power and rules any ground deck. If youve got any questions, dmail me BEFORE you rate this.

Alfred Dong The Brahma Bull