Overseeing Imperial Security

Title: Overseeing Imperial Security
Author: Jamie "JEEBS" Giberti
Date: Aug 9, 2000 Rating: 4.0




ISB Operations Coruscant Imperial Square Prepared Defenses Imperial Arrest Order Oppressive Enforcement You Cannot Hide Forever (6)


Coruscant Docking Bay Coruscant Imperial City Coruscant Kashyyyk Spaceport City Spaceport Street Spaceport Prefect’s Office Spaceport Docking Bay (8)


Bossk in Bus Executor Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Chimaera Boba Fett in Slave I Death Squadron Star Destroyer (6)


Strategic Reserves Reactor Terminal Inconsequential Losses Security Precautions Something Special Planned For Them 2 x Overseeing It Personally (7)


Vader’s Lightsabre 3 x Force Pike (4)


Blizzard 2 Tempest Scout 6 (2)


Twi’Lek Advisor 2 x Imperial Barrier 2 x Sense Alter Abyssin Ornament (8)


Emperor Palpatine Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Sim Aloo Myn Kynaeugh Chall Bekan Officer Evax Admiral Ozzel Commander Merrejk Outer Rim Scout 5D6-RA-7 8 x Royal Guard (19)

Strategy: ‘

This is an ISB ops deck with takes advantage of a lot of the new cards in DS 2. Specifically ,the Emperor and his Royal Guards. Overseeing it personally adds to the already big drain potential of this deck, Once you have ISB Ops flipped, on Coruscant, your drains are plus 2 and the opponent’s are minus 1. Royal Guards are perfect for an Overseeing it Personally deck, because of their resonable power, cheap deploy, and protection of the Emperor. Use strategic plans to cancel drains, 5D6-RA-7 will go to their planet to weaken their drains allowing you to have a huge drain advantage. The capabilities for battling in this deck are also quite good, should the opponent come to Coruscant. Royal guards armed with force pikes can be very nasty, suddenly making your opponents characters power 0 is very nice. Barriers and IAO let you battle on your terms, and the light S/A package is for annoying things like surprise assault, order to engage etc. Occupy Coruscant with an SD, then they Can’t deploy to Coruscant with rebels.

VS Dagobah training

The One pain in the Butt for this deck. Load up the bus with vader, mara etc and go pay leia/luke and yoda a visit. Kill them at all costs, then go back to draining. By the time they get them out again, you should have built up an unasailable lead. Drain, Drain, and drain some more. If they use suicude mains, barrier them, then pick them off on your terms.

VS Profit

Its up to you whether you put Mara and Chall in the chamber, but I would advise against it. Keep to Coruscant in most circumstances, only go and battle if you think you can make a dent in their life force. It will probably be a drain race, but you should win. 5D6-RA-7 could save your bacon in this one, but you should win anyway.


Highly unlikely, but I do play it myself on occasion. you should have no problem out draining them. Even when they flip, you’re drains are still plus 1. If they deploy a lone squadron, go and beat them down with the bounty hunters or star destroyers. Draining should win this, or if you’re feeling bold, go to dantooine with the emperor and drain there.


Drain like hell in the early going. The ships in this deck were chosen mainly to combat HB (although I use most of them in most decks anyway) because of their immunity to attrition. drain like crazy until they flip, then go and probe. Try and take out as many of their ships in the process. Shouldnt be too many problems.

vs Rebel Strike Team

They will most likely be doing this with Corp.Midge, so stick 5D6 on endor to offset his drain bonus. this will be a drain race, dont go to endor unless they have done something remarkably stupid, draining early will be vital as RST gets set up very quickly.

VS There is Good In HIm

I’m not sure how this will go, as I havent played it yet. Drain in the early going as usual, and get vader to luke when possible. Killing Luke would be a BIG bonus, but dont expect it. If they come to Coruscant, wipe them out

Thanks for Reading and Have Fun Playing’