The Base That Can t Be Found v2 0

Title: The Base That Can t Be Found v2 0
Author: Jodo "Jodo Kast17" Kast
Date: Aug 9, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective Hidden Base

Locations (11) Alderaan Coruscant Chandrilla x2 Aquaris Kessel Kiffex Rendezvous Point Sullust Tatooine Home One War Room

Characters (13) R2-D2 Boshek Boushh Chewbacca of Kashyyk Cmdr Vanden Willard Cmdr Wedge General Solo Jeroen Webb Luke Skywalker Major Haash’n EPP Luke Orrimaarko TK-422

Starships (13) Artoo in Red 5 B-Wing Bomber Home One Independence Lando in Falcon Masanya Mon Calamari Star Cruiser x2 Red Squadron X-Wing Nebulon B Frigate x2 Redemption Tantive IV

Interrupts (6) Direct Assault Grimtaash Heading For The Medical Frigate Houjix Power Pivot x2

Effects (11) Bacta Tank Do, Or Do Not Haven Honor of the Jedi Mantellian Savrip Order to Engage Our Most Desperate Hour Staging Areas Ultimatum Undercover x2

Weapons (5) Heavy Turbolaser Batteries x2 X-Wing Laser Cannons Intruder Missile x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Changes to version 2 2 Intruder Missiles (destiny 7) and another Turbolaser Batteries (direct assault/power pivot) Doubled on Power pivot and dropped the insurrection/DB strategy. Still keep staging areas to deploy my mon cals anywhere. Switched Master Luke for EPP, and Artoo for R2-D2 (better in space, and still a spy). Added Red Squadron X-Wing and B-Wing Bomber (excellent with Boshek). Sorry, the wedge that is in here is the only version that I have. OMDH stayed, as it is my only retrieval in the deck, and isn’t too hard to pull off. I start HFTMF to pull staging areas, insurrection and Do or Do Not. Staging areas allows me to deploy the mon cals wherever I have another ship, destroying the location deployment restrictions. It also gives me better activation at my two DBs. Insurrection gives my non-main pilots a higher forfiet, which usually covers battle damage. Remember, Insurrection does not only apply to the table, if I lose a pilot from hand for mantellian savrip I get the extra bonus. Do Or Do Not is to protect my many effects that are not immune to alter. OTE, OMDH, Undercover and Savrip are the most important. These effects are what give me the advantage in the game. OTE hurts my opponent when s/he is probing. Usually a ship deploys and probes, hoping that it is strong enough to avoid the beat down until it can get out. With OTE that probe will cost them three force, plus the card that is one the table. It also helps avoid an Executor/Any other ship stand off that gives me no drains and neither side can battle with. OMDH is for retrieval, which explains the purpose of Tatooine and Alderaan, besides their force activation (Alderaan can also occasionally get an early probe, since it has been used to many times in the past as the base). The undercovers I will explain later. Savrip is very important in this deck. With this card I can hold a system no matter what my opponent throws at me. I forfeit Wedge (forfeit 8) or a Mon Cal (forfeit 9) or Corvette (fofeit 8) and I will usually kill battle damage. The only danger comes in the increasingly popular Masterful Move, but there isn’t much I can do about that. Now, the purpose of the Undercovers. I have 3 spies, plus Boushh and TK, both of them deploy undercover automatically. Jeroen Webb is almost always used with one of the Undercovers. That effectively kills 3 of my opponent’s drains, which will give them a lot of trouble (I know hutt smooch will hurt, but I haven’t seen it in any decks for quite a while). My other undercover can either go to willard or artoo. The need for the spy will depend on the way that the game is going. If I am playing BH ships and feel that I need Red 5 down, I put willard undercover. If I can put Artoo undercover it can be much better. Willard also has the leader ability, which comes in handy. I deploy him to home one war room, I now deploy -5 and have power +3. The locations is a war room, which means willard adds one to the power of all of my ships at the system. Willard basically adds 4 to Home Ones power, plus another 1 to the power of any back-up. This combination is incredibly effective as a space beatdown (I deploy for 7, have great immunity, power of 13, even the executor has to back down, and I get a battle destiny, Executor doesnt). The undercover spies cover drains on the ground, although ultimatum also keeps them to a maximum of 2. This is the reason I don’t have very many characters in the deck. Orimaarko and Master Luke are for an occasional beat down if my opponent gets overconfident and spreads too thin. If TK is not necessary General Solo/Chewie combo is excellent. Chewie has forfeit 9, and with solo they can cancel a battle destiny. If TK is down then the general becomes useful with savrip. Major Hashn is usually used on Home One. He protects the powerful ship from its most dangerous enemy, lateral damage. He also gives it a hyperspeed of 4 The Turbolasers are for my interrupts. I usually put them on Home One, although they also work great on the nebulons. I can then use direct assault and power pivot to knock out an opposing ship. X-Wing cannons serve the same purpose, with the added bonus of being excellent Zuckuss killers. The strategy behind this deck is basically straight forward. I pull my systems as quickly as possible, which unfortunately can slow the flipping time. Once they are down I flip, and with 4 undercovers and two canceled drains my opponent will be forced to go for the base, s/he will have no drains at all in most circumstances. Once s/he is in space I drop a beat down and hopefully kill most of the space in the deck. A lot of decks that I have seen use the BH ships in a group as their only space defense. I single good beat down will effectively wipe out the space abilties of these decks. If, in an excellent situation, I kill the space of my opponent, the game is basically over. But if the base is found, then I am not in too much trouble. I still block 4 drains, and HOTJ kills occupations and visage. My systems supply me with good drains, and since they all will be out I don’t have to worry about finding the right one in my deck. I fortify kessel, coruscant and kiffex and drain away. Against Hunt Down This deck gives me a tough time. In many of these decks the only characters are Vader and Mara. This gives HOTJ the ability to stop visage. If s/he is packing more character I am in trouble. I try to get Luke a battleground until I get flipped. At that point I will be draining enough to kill pretty soon. Against Dark Deal I put Home One at Bespin and keep give them a hard time with occupation. If they ever give me the system they flip back and their drains are modifiable. The best thing I have agaisnt this deck is undercover spies. Most of these decks only pack 4-5 sites. With 4 of them taken out it is hard to kill me with only one drain. Against Court Use HOTJ as long as possible to kill the damage. The space should not be much trouble, as these decks usually have only BH ships. I get flipped quickly with Master Luke and Orimaarko at a site. When I feel I can cause enough damage I pull them out and drain away. The spies should kill most drains, and if s/he plays occupation I take the system from them. The damage will not be enough to stop me from draining to death first. Against ISB I am not in much trouble. I wipe out space and start draining, the spies will stop the drains, although this type of deck does not usually rely on drains for winning. Without anything on the ground my opponent will suddenly be in trouble. Against Ultimate Power Interesting match-up. It will be a battle to see who can win in space. Whichever side comes out on top will win the game. Against Chamber Testing Same basic strategy. Set up and drain in space. Give them hobbie to start and send a beat down to mix things up. Against Turn Luke Another tough one. Use HOTJ as many of these decks don’t have a lot of characters, and Emperor will be at the throne room, usually with his advisors for back up. Keep Luke in space and do not give the opportunity to get killed with a game-ending duel. Against RalOps The ever popular deck will find itself in trouble. The basic strategy of RalOps is to fight the opponent (if I am wrong, please correct me). I don’t have anything on the ground, so there isn’t anything for those AT-STs to battle. I send spies to the planet with my large supply of force and slow the drains there. I battle in space and take control of Raltiir (if I even feel that it is necessary). I then drain away in space. Against EndorOps Another interesting battle. Take Endor after Ominous Rumors goes down. Put almost anything needed into it. I have a long, drawn out battle for space, the winner takes all. HOTJ kills direct damage, and spies get down onto the planet to stop drains (an occasional beat down with boushh can also be nice). Against Operatives If anyone is crazy enough to still be playing this deck I drop undercover spies once again and stop the drains. My ships should take out a space fleet and have free control of space, draining as they go. Once again, since spies are important in this deck I will mention it again. Do, Or Do Not will prevent undercover from getting cancelled. If my opponent does decide to kill it they will take some damage. If they do cancel, and decide to beat down, I use Savrip to cover damage. Remember, only two of the spies can be targetted this way. Artoo will just sit at the site until I get another undercover. Webb and Willard can be pulled of the planet, as I will usually have a ship orbitting most planets out there, especially my opponents system. So do not give me anything about cancelling the undercovers. Another great aspect of Hidden Base is that in order for my opponent to find the base, s/he will have to deploy most of his/her starships. That will give my ships a chance to beat down and mop up any resistance to my drains. ‘