They Can t Track

Title: They Can t Track
Author: Justin "futbolb13" Brinkerhoff
Date: Aug 9, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(8) Executor Holotheater Executor Meditation Chamber Hoth Deffensive Perimeter X2 Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Echo Docking Bay Hoth War Room Hoth Echo Corridor

Characters(15) Darth Vader DVDLOTS X2 Vader w/stick Emperor Palpatine Grand Moff Tarkin X2 Mara Jade Fett w/blaster Jodo Kast Janus Grejatus Commander Igar Bane Malar Admiral Ozzel 4-LOM w/gun

Starships(3) Executor Fett in Slave 1 Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Interupts(14) The Circle is Now Complete Vader’s Obsession Sense X3 Twi’lek Advisor X2 (s vs. MWYHL) Omni Box X2 Force Lightning You Are Beaten Sniper Hutt Smootch Sniper Prepared Defenses (normal s)

Effects(12) Visage of the Emperor (s) Reactor Terminal Presence of The Force X2 Expand The Empire Imperial Decree He Is Not Ready There’ll Be Hell To Pay Broken Concentration (s vs. MWYHL) Security Precautions Oppresive Enforcement (normal s) Imperial Arrest Order (normal s)

Vehicles(2) Tempest 1 Blizzard 2

Weapons(3) Vaders Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Lightsaber AT AT cannon

Epic Events(2) Epic Duel Target The Main Generator


Strategy: ‘

*First note-this is a revision on my deck, “Foo on tracking Hunt Down”

As stated before this deck should hold up well against a host of LS decks. It battles and drains well and has the means to take out many types of decks.


Training Game over. That deck is too powerful for it’s own good when completed, but if it can’t train… Start with Broken Concentration. As fast as you can get out He Is Not Ready, using Twi’lek if you have to. If you have gotten it fast enough, even DoS with every adder on her and an At Peace can only pass the first test. After that the math is just not in her favor. At that point, you have two choices. You can simply refuse to play a Vader, don’t flip, and HINR and BC can’t be altered, he can’t test, you lose force, but he loses more from the drains with all the PotF and Expand, and you There’ll be Hell to Pay his It Could Be Worse. Heck, if he cancels Visage, even better for you. Choice two; deploy Vader, hope the effects will slow him down, he has trouble altering Broken, and whenever you need to, Omni Box his ass.

Hidden Base Start with the normal stuff, since you don’t need security precautions right away. Get Decree working, then protect either Kessel or Coruscant with Executor after Precautions are out, then go probing with Fett and/or Bossk. You should win the drain race.

Ops Imperial Decree/Visage/PotF/Expand. You win drain race.

EBO Throws a monkey wrench at you, but gives you a battle ground right away. Take out the power generators with Vader on an AT AT, and that would be a lot of fun. Even if not, move in, Control Def Perim and one other, and Decree is still good.

Any Other It battles and drains well. Should take care of itself. Use the cards as they should be used, or even if they have another use. Trap a character with he is not ready, give yourself better generation with Precautions, Drain like mad with all of PotF/Expand/Emperor/Janus Grejatus/Sabers, and don’t let them stack destiny using Omni Box. The Force is with you…’