Evan s Quick Refrigeration Service

Title: Evan s Quick Refrigeration Service
Author: Evan "fizz247" Clemens
Date: Aug 9, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1) This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time/Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further

Locations (7) Bespin Bespin Cloud City Cloud City Carbonite Chamber Cloud City Security Tower Cloud City Dining Room Cloud City Upper Walkway Cloud City Port Town District

Characters (20) Darth Vader Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Darth Vader With Lightsaber Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2 Grand Moff Tarkin Officer Evax Admiral Ozzel DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Jabba Lando Calrissian Lobot Dr. Evazan Brangus Glee Mosep Sergeant Merril Trooper Jerrol Blendin

Weapons (2) Vader’s Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Starships (10) Boba Fett In Slave I Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Dengar In Punishing One Zuckuss In Mist Hunter OS-72-1 In Obsidian 1 OS-72-2 In Obsidian 2 Obsidian Squadron TIE x2 Death Squadron Star Destroyer x2

Interupts (12) Any Methods Necessary Twi’lek Advisor Point Man A Real Hero Limited Resources I Have You Now Evader Shocking Revalation It’s Worse Dark Maneuvers Masterful Move Ghhhk

Effects (8) Dark Deal Secret Plans Crush The Rebellion Battle Order Imperial Arrest Order We’re The Bait All Too Easy x2’

Strategy: ‘

First off, please read the entire strategy section before reveiwing, and if you are only going to say “Dark Deal Sucks” or the like, I don’t want to hear it.

The starting is usually the Objective which pulls the Carbonite Chamber and Secret Plans. Use Any Methods Necessary to get Boba Fett, his ship, and the prison.

The deck plays like this, basically first turn, you activate at least three force. During your control phase, peruse your deck with Secret Plans, and get Shocking Revalation if you have it, also if you feel like it, try to determine what three force you activated (I usually can, because I’ve been playing this deck for quite a while). Deploy the Security Tower and use the Objective to pull Bespin, Cloud City, or Dark Deal. Try to get one of the locations, as it provides force generation. Also take note if Lando is in the reserve, if he is, grab him with the Security Tower. Deploy a third site to Cloud City once you get it, and promptly control them as well as the cloud sector to play Dark Deal. Do this all in one turn in order to avoid a beat down. As always, play smart and attempt not to spread too thin. You should be able to lock down the deal by turn four or five, and flip the Objective by the next turn. Optimally, you will draw a site, a cheap character (Ozzel, Blendin, or Merril deploy free, and most others deploy for two) and one of your cloud TIES. With this hand, you should have Dark Deal out second turn. If your opponent deploys something to Cloud City early, be sure clear it out, as you will have a hard time pulling off Dark Deal.

Once you flip, you have some options. In a normal situation, I would be content to drain on Cloud City with the Dark Deal bonus of two, and try to control as many sites as possible with both an alien and an imperial, for the destiny bonus. The power bonus from Dark Deal and the Bespin Cloud City sector will help to keep control of your sites. I don’t have much trouble fufilling Battle Plan either, with the variety of starships in the deck. Of course, when fortifying, balance your deployment to your opponents strategy. This deck has the ability to battle well, especially for light side punks stubling into Cloud City (be sure to make them pay extra for deployment if you control Bespin). The deck also has the ability for devastating destiny draws, and simple methods of tracking them (Shocking Revalation recycles easily after you pull it from your reserve, as do Masterful Move, Any Methods Necessary, Twi’lek Advisor, Dark Maneuvers, A Real Hero, and Evader. All have decent destiny).

—Now I’ll list some more specific strategies dealing with certain situations and cards.—

The Carbonite Chamber-Plant Mara or Vader with a stick here and be ready to play All Too Easy. They can hold down the site all by their lonesome. Freezing really isn’t hard to pull off, and most decks will go after a lone Vader over a pack of aliens at the Port Town District, for example. That loss of 8 force post-flip can hurt alot, and tends to remove a key character from the battle. Say they deploy EPP Luke and EPP Han. You can freeze either one to reduce their destiny draws, prevent weapon hits, and remove a main character from action.

Battle Order-Chances are, this deck is more balanced than most, and will have no trouble satisfying it. Use it against operatives, hidden base, and other one sided decks.

DS-61-Brothers-These guys are in here because of their cheap deploy and flexability. I can put them where I need them most.

Bounty Hunter Ships-Pretty efficient cards, and can be used in a wide variety of situations. Also, they are capable of holding down the clouds as well as the systems.

—Now some frequently asked questions.—

Which theater does Fett belong in?-You got both enhanced Fett cards in your start, so which one do you use? This depends heavily on your opponent’s strat, and the other cards you draw. Put him where he is needed most, or go on a suicide mission with one and deploy the other next turn (EPP Fett tends to die rather quickly).

Won’t Jedi Testing give me problems?-No. First, after looking at the CRD, I was dismayed to find that Jedi Test 1 does in fact cancil my bonus, even after I flip. However, the addition of a Broken Concentration would probably give you the speed edge you need to get those key early drains. Also, MWYHL decks usually go on a beating mission while Luke is hanging out on Dagobah. We’re The Bait was made for this situation. It is not that hard to capture or freeze Han, Leia, or Chewie, and once you do, you can use We’re The Bait to shut down further testing, and make them lose force. If nothing else, this card is a nice destiny 7.

Why isn’t Cloud City Occupation in here?-Well, mainly because I don’t own one, but also because I prefer to use non-battleground sites for Dark Deal (Security Tower and Dining Room). You could very easily add it if it suits you.

Why don’t I use big blue?-Well, first off, I prefer the interior Cloud City sites. Also, walkers and star destroyers have steep deploy, and I’m looking for speed and efficiency.

Why is this any different from all the other TDIGWATT decks?-Many reasons. First, this one has a comprehensive strategy that I personally wrote for it. Second, I bring unique strategies to a highly repetitive objective, namely All Too Easy, We’re The Bait, Dining Room, and cheap characters. Third, I’ve been playing Dark Deal decks ever since Cloud City came out, and I know the true power of Dark Deal lies in speed and control. Other decks just don’t accomplish these goals as efficiently as this one.

—Some pairing scenarios.—

Hidden Base-This deck fades in and out in my area, and currently is out. A Security Precautions is all this deck needs to combat Hidden Base, and you will always have the speed advantage.

MWYHL-I can’t stress enough the importance of speed in this deck, which will triumph over testing every time. Give the We’re The Bait strategy a try, too.

Operatives-These decks, especially for the lightside, are becomming less and less common. If they do become prevelant, add Leave Them To Me, which totally destroys operatives. You again will have a speed advantage.

Profit-Don’t bother puting any aliens out to start, just focus on getting set up at Cloud City. You can out drain, out damage, and out battle them as long as you stay on your turf.

Rescue The Princess-You are WAY too fast for this. They arn’t doing anything for a few turns, and they give you three extra force What a deal Even on the flip side, they have to come to you, becuase you will have the drain advantage.

Rebel Strike Team-They will tend to stick to Endor, all the better for you, because you win a drain race.

There Is Good In Him-This ain’t too hard. Ignore them till they come a knockin, and then start rockin. It would be sweet if you managed to kill the Jedi with aliens, but this is unlikely. Capturing him with Vader is your best bet, and We’re The Bait also works here too to make them lose force if you manage to freeze Han, Leia, or Chewie. If you want to be really nasty, put in a couple Human Sheilds, and kill Luke that way.

Throne Room Choke-Crush The Rebellion was made to combat this deck. You sites are all better for you, and Evader totally shuts down revos.

Assorted other mains and toys-If all else fails, use Dark Deal and retreat back into the corridors of Cloud City. You will always have the advantage on home turf.

Thank you very much for reading my lengthy strategy, and please rate this deck with any helpful commments you can think of.

Evan Clemens ‘