Have you heard some Ominous Rumors Lately

Title: Have you heard some Ominous Rumors Lately
Author: Robert "Sparky" Parker
Date: Aug 10, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting 8 Endor Ops/Imperial Outpost Endor Endor Bunker Endor Landing Platform Prepared Defenses You Cannot Hide Forever Resistance Something Special Planned For Them

Characters 14 Darth Vader DVDLOTS Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Grand Moff Tarkin General Veers Commander Igar Colonel Dyer IG-88 With Riot Gun Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Bane Malar Biker Scout Trooper x3 M’iiyoom Onith

Starships 12 Executor Chimaera Judicator Visage Accusor Thunderflare Devastator Conquest Tyrant Stalker Avenger Vengeance

Vehicles 10 Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6 Blizzard 1 Blizzard 2 Blizzard Scout 1 Speeder Bike x3

Weapons 1 Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Locations 10 Endor Ancient Forest Endor Dense Forest Endor Back Door Swamp Jungle Kessel Fondor Ord Mantel Mon Calamari Gall

Effects 5 Perimeter Patrol Ominous Rumors Establish Secret Base Bad Feeling Have I Reactor Terminal

Interrupts 1 Monnok

Strategy: ‘

Change in Mobilization Points in for Resistance

This is just a deck I use for playing with friends when we play by ourselves.

First of all, I take Gall into hand using MOBPoints and I deploy it. I place YCHF out of play to get perimator patrol and deploy that. I get out my SD’s and Ominous out as soon as possible. The point of this deck is not try and flip your objective right away, it’s getting out OMinous and draining the opponent to death. I flip only when the oppotunity comes up. The vehicles are to hold endor with Dyer, while vader, mara, and tarkin go beating. The BH’s are a little suprise, most people don’t expect them in an endor deck and they can pack quite a punch. You can also put them on the Destroyers. I get good activation with this deck, so the deploy of the SD’s are not a problem, and when I get it going, I can drain for almost 20. What some people overlook is the ground drains. The deck is built around drains in space, but usually, you can get an easy 4-5 on the ground with no resistance. Bad feeling Have I is to slow down EPP deployment even more, and the AT-AT’s are focal points on the ground if you can get them out. If you can’t, don’t worry, just lose them to drains.

All in all, it works pretty well, at least it can beat my friends… ;-)

May The Force Be With You ‘