Author: jim "Bob A Fett" robertson
Date: Aug 10, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Hoth Ice Plains Prepared Defenses Imperial Decree Battle Order Imperial Arrest Order

Locations Hoth Hoth Mountains Hoth Defensive Perimeter Hoth North Ridge Hoth Echo Docking Bay Hoth Echo Corridor Clouds x4 Admirals Orders We’re in Attack Position Now

Characters Darth Vader Darth Vader DLOTS General Veers Commander Desanne Commander Praji Commander Gherant Commander Nemet Boba Fett w/ Gun Mara Jade, The Emperors Hand Grand Moff Tarkin Tibbana Gas Miner x2 Colonel Davod Jon Emperor Palpatine

Starships Chimera Executor Obsidan 7 Obsidian 8 Obsidian Squadron TIE x2 OS-72-1 in Obsidian 1 Bossk in Hounds Tooth Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Dengar in Punishing One

Vehicles Blizzard 1 Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6 Blizzard Scout 1 Imperial walker x2 Combat Cloud Car x2

Weapons/devices Vader’s Lightsaber Mara’s Lightsaber

Effects Rebel Base Occupation Reactor Terminal Overseeing it personally

Interrupts Walker Garrison x4 Imperial Barrier x2 Trample x2

Strategy: ‘

Strategy Strategy This deck give major force loss to the light side. Here is the strategy, by card type. Start with Imp decree, since you will be controlling a Rebel Base very soon. Your location gives you a 3-0 start. LocationsHoth locations to drain at, clouds for super drains. Deploy Kiffex only if neccesary AO My AO gives Direct damage for each commander at a battleground site, thus the commanders in the deck. Characters As said before, commanders for DD and AT-AT piloting. Veers on Blizzars 1, OS in his ship, and the Tibbana guys on the ground. Slap down the Emp at a hoth sites for even bigger drains Starships Obsidians in the clouds, star destroyers and BH ships at the system. Vehicles AT-ATs at the site for drains, spread them out AT-STs are support. Put the cloud cars in the clouds or hold on to them and deploy as a react to a battle at a cloud sector. Effects Imperial Decree should be up and running within 2-3turns. Battle order requirements are easy to fufill. Rebel Base Occupation for big direct damage. Overseeing it personally gives the plus 1 drains at all my sites. Interrupts Walker Garrison; an awesome card. If you occupy 3 Hoth sites with ATATs then your Force Drains are plus 2 at Hoth LOCATIONS for the rest of the turn. That means with the miner on the ground, clouds in the air, and the sabers, your drains are four at EACH cloud sector, up to 7 at the defensive perimeter, 5 at the DB, 4 at the ice plains, 4 at the North Ridge, 4 at the corridor,and 3 at the system, assuming you control them all ) Thats not even counting the direct damage from RBO and the Admirals order. Total force loss 47 Game Set Match

Take that, EBO