Set Your SDs in Attack Position

Title: Set Your SDs in Attack Position
Author: Mike "Iceman" Fitzgerald
Date: Aug 11, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Set Your Star Destroyers In Attack Position

Start ( 5 ) SYCFAlderaan Death Star DSDBay Alderaan Prepared Defenses

Additional Locations (6) DSWar Room Kiffex Kashyyyk Sullust Endor Fondor

Characters (17) Admiral Motti Commander Igar EPP Vader x2 Admiral Chiraneau Commander Merrejk x2 Commander Nemet DS-61-2 Lt. Cabbel Officer Evax Captain Jonus Captain Godherdt DS-181-3 Major Rhymer Warrant Officer M’kae U-3PO

Blue ( 11 ) Tempest 1 Accuser Avenger Bus Chimaera Dengar in Punishing One Devastator Executor Dreadnaught x3

Admiral’s Orders ( 2 ) We’re In Attack Position Now x2

Effects ( 13 ) Ability Ability Ability Reactor Terminal Hell2Pay x2 First Strike Lateral Damage Oppressive Enforcement Secret Plans Battle Order Imperial Arrest Order Leave Them To Me Something Special Planned For Them (SSP4T) You Cannot Hide Forever

Interrupts ( 6 ) Gravity Shadow x2 Imperial Barrier x2 Shocking Revelation Masterful Move’

Strategy: ‘

Notes Just more simple stuff - Ability Ability and more Ability. Normal start is You Cannot Hide Forever and IAO. If they appear to be playing space then you can get Oppressive Enforcement or Something Special Planned for them. Obviously if it is against Ops you use the Op Killer , Leave Them To Me.

Between the Grapplers , Secret Plans , and SSP4Them you shouldn’t have any problems slowing or stopping retrieval. With the 27 ability cards you should have no problem getting a battle destiny.The destiny should be fine most of them are 3s and OpEnforcement helps the big SDs.

Rebel Barrier isn’t a problem because they have so much to choose from to barrier , just make sure to put out your decent stuff first and your strongest stuff last ( it’ll be hard to resist Barriering another super forfeit pilot after you have like +20 power at the system , then you drop Dengar ).

This deck is a space machine , the Admiral’s Order lets you get solid immunity to attrition with your Caps and combined with IAO you are usually spitting out deploy 1 forfeit 6 Pilots which is huge. Dengar helps the destiny as do the recyclers. If they convert your Admiral’s Orders you now have a trackable 6 and Imperial Arrest Order will suck up the attrition.

Imperial Barrier and Gravity Shadow are a few of the tricks. Remember that SSP4Them makes each ship move away for +2 Force. If they have 4 ships there then they are paying 12 to move away Nemet and 181-3 stop ‘reacts’.

This deck isn’t really slow because Merrejk gets out systems at the DSWar Room and everything just seems to come together quickly.

This isn’t the greatest deck in the world but it is very fun to mess around with , enjoy.

D’akturak ‘