Recurring Mains(Drazin)

Title: Recurring Mains(Drazin)
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Oct 21, 1999 Rating: 4.0



’> Carbon Chamber Testing (1)

Locations (10) Carbonite Chamber CC Docking Bay Downtown Plaza Port Town District Security Tower Bespin x2 Death Star Coruscant Audience Chamber

Characters (17) EPP Vader x2 Drazin x3 EPP Fett x2 Brangus Zuckuss J’Quille Jabba the Hutt KKK Cabbel Evax Ozzel Tarkin Ephant Mon

Vehicles(3) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Lift Tube

Starships(5) Executor x2 BUS Dreadnaught x2

Effects(13) All Wrapped Up Resistance A Bright Center Bad Feeling Battle Order CCO IAO Oppresive Enforcement SEC Precautions Special Delivery x3 TBHTP

Interrupts(11) Sense x3 Alter x2 Twi’lek Monnok Control We Have A Prisoner x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is probably the best balanced recurring mains drazin deck that can be made. It covers all the basics for counters. the we have a prisoners are anti-noble sacrifice tech so you can get another captive to continue recurring. the occupation is another form of damage for stuff like numbers and other non-interactive decks. this deck is solid.’