Top Gun ( HB w/ Weapons )

Title: Top Gun ( HB w/ Weapons )
Author: Mike "Iceman" Fitzgerald
Date: Aug 14, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Start ( 6 ) Hidden Base / Slippy Fingers Rendezvous Point HB Marker Heading for Frigate Squadron Consignments Superficial Damage Last Effect Depends on opponent

Locations ( 8 ) Kiffex Kashyyyk Corulag Tatooine Kessel Clouds x3

Characters ( 19 ) Captain Han Solo x2 EPP Leia x2 EPP Luke EPP Obi x2 Elyhek Rue Jek Porkins Kal’Falnl C’ndros Lt. Blunt Melas Tawss Khaa Tycho Celchu Wedge Antilles , Red Squadron Leader , the Supafly himself x2 Bron Burs Corporal Beezer Harc Seff

St’ships ( 7 ) Tantive 4 Millenium Falcon x2 Spiral Red Squadron 1 Red 7 Red 6

Green ( 4 ) X-Wing Laser Cannon x4

Effects ( 5 ) Do or Do Not Draw Their Fire Honor of the Jedi Battle Plan Let’s Keep A Little Optimism Here

Interrupts ( 11 ) Tunnel Vision x2 Yoda Stew x3 It Could Be Worse x2 Power Pivot Rebel Barrier x2 A Few Manuevers’

Strategy: ‘

I’ve been fine tuning it for 2-3 weeks now. I added more ground guys so it can do okay versus Search and Destroy.

This deck is very hard to play and you should play it at least twice against every kind of deck to get a feel of what you need to do againstevery deck to win. Now on to more detailed things

ROps - This deck eats it alive , Don’t wanna deploy sites until you flip ? Okay I’ll just sit on this cloud sector until you find your ship. There is a pretty solid ground force to put some sting if they bait you with a lone guy. Many ROps don’t use enough ships and when their starfighters are at a difference of 5 you’ll shoot them down with Laser Cannons like all the time. Power Pivot the Bus.

Bring Him Before Me - Gah , they burn themselves down pretty quickly but it is still a dangerous deck. The main thing to remember is Emperor’s Power , what looks like an obvious beatdown will turn into a battle destiny. Give them Luke so they keep losing a little bit more , if Vader makes a run to the Throne Room then you might wanna try to beatdown whoever is left at a battleground. Honor of the Jedi will help.

TIEs - It would take me about 20 minutes to type up what you have to do to beat TIEs with this deck and I don’t wanna type that much. Play it against the Sword and the Shield at least 3 times and you should start to notice something. The main bit of advice that I can give you is that if you can absorb the initial big battle then your chancing of winning will go up vastly. The X-Wing Laser Cannons play a huge role as does Wedge cancelling a destiny. I was using Wise Advice and 2 Grabbers but people were Sensing and Altering my stuff so I switch to Do or Do Not. I’d like to fit one grabber back in for All Power To Weapons at least.

I think those are the main decks to speak about. Against ISB its all about Blount and anything space based you should be alright against. Yoda Stew is huge in this deck. It lets you draw up to find the stuff you need and then place back high destiny and active force for Barriers ,Laser Cannons , It Could Be Worse , the Spiral , and plays all around with their heads. Enjoy

D’akturak ‘