RalOps Mega-Damage

Title: RalOps Mega-Damage
Author: Justin "futbolb13" Brinkerhoff
Date: Aug 14, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations(8) Raltiir Yavin 4Docking Bay Hoth Docking Bay Executor Docking Bay Forest Spaceport Prefects Office Spaceport City Spaceport Docking Bay

Characters(19) DVDLOTS Vader w/lightsBER Emperor Palpatine X2 Grand Moff Tarkin X2 Mara Jade Boba Fett w/blaster General Veers Commander Igar Jodo Kast Janus Grejatus Admiral Chiraneau Commander Praji Biker Scout Trooper X3 Imperial Commander X2

Starships(3) Executor Death Squadron Star Destroyer Devastator

Interupts(4) Prepared Defenses (s) Trample X2 Force Lightning

Effects(11) Imperial Decree (s) Mobilization Points (s) Imperial Arrest Order (s) Reactor Terminal Royal Escort Overseeing It Personally Oppresive Enforcement You Cannot Hide Forever Organa’s Ceremonial Necklace Presence Of The Force Security Precautions

Vehicles(10) Tempest 1 Blizzard 2 Blizzad 1 Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6 Speeder Bike X3

Weapons(2) Vader’s Lightsaber Mara’s Lightsaber

Admiral’s Orders(2) We’re In Attack Position Now

Objective RO/ITHOTE’

Strategy: ‘

Everyone seems to have a RalOps deck, and it is easy to see why. It is easy to flip, easy to have good force generation, slows the opponent down, realtively easy to protect once flipped, and has the awesome ability to just search your deck for a card every turn. So this is my go at it, and will hopefully have a few originalities.

First, starting with IAO/ID/MP will allow for all of your D0 cards to be out by turn four with mad ammounts of activation. IAO will also keep any rude surprises away.

Then, flip as quickly as you want, and as soon as you have the ability to just get a card each turn will make this deck a monster. Iperial Decree, controling the hoth and y4 bays and FD -1 will just about kill any chance the lightside has at draining. You, on the other hand, can pull Organa’s Necklace and Overseeing it Personally to add up to 8 for your force drain a turn. I really like the necklace in this deck since you can have it so quickly, and then once back on Raltiir really put it to use. So those two cards, along with two sabers, PoF, and Spaceport City make fo absolutely huge drains. Oh yeah, then throw Chiraneu up on the executor for a drain, power of 14, destiny, and with the orders, immunity to attrition <17. Not Bad.

Now, look at battling ability. With 8 of the vehicles being able to react and adding nice power, mains, and some big old AT-AT’s that are easy to pair with a pilot now combined with the fact that they deploy +2 to Raltiir makes for a really nice beatdown force, and easy to control whatever you need to. Just to add insult, we will then add 5 to just about every battle destiny.

And then we like the Admiral’s Orders. This card will allow for up to an extra 5 damage a turn. Plus it makes for a little easier deployment of your pilots and adds immunity to make it pretty darn easy to hold onto Raltiir.

Then there are a few little combos and things i like to remember…

Zip around an Imperial Leader on a bike, using Royal Escort for defense, and add forfeit all around. Plus they will allow for the bonus at Spaceport City and damage for WIAPN.

How about reacting with Jodo to cancel a destiny draw? With Vader/Tarkin totally screw over those EPP’s that tried to step.

Trample all over the place.

React, react, react.

So, just as a note, with the cards right here, you can drain for a maximum of 19, plus 4 damage from the orders for a total of 23 damage in one control phase Like I said before, this deck is a monster.’