GenCon winner LS deck

Title: GenCon winner LS deck
Author: Yannick "Crusher" Lapointe
Date: Aug 15, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘starting crap6 dagobah MWYHL heading for the medical boat wise advise battle plan your insight serve you well

location5 yoda’s house swamp jungle training area kessel

big guys15 bad ass luke(d2) x3 obi w stick x3 captain han x2 leia w stick x2 yoda melas twas khaa boshek orrimarko

blue2 super falcon

green2 luke big stick jedi test 1

red30 AFA x4 the signal x2 effective repair frozen asset uncontrollable fury legendery starfucker on the edge x2 POAS x2 it could be worse x3 rebel barrier x2 OTE i know punch it gift of the mentor grabbler x2 draw their fire clash of saber a few maneuver x2 HOTJ ‘

Strategy: ‘

What people dont get is that i DONT GIVE A FUCK about advise. i just post my deck to know whos stupid and whos not and when you say take this out or put this in, most of the time i will think your a SCRUB because your advise SUCK and if you play with it and you get rape dont blame me if you SUCK ASS you MOTHER FUCKING SCRUB

MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE THIS DECK IS NOT FOR SCUB _______________________ just train a random 4 ability moron. set what ever you need by looking into your deck. insert when its necessary and beet the crap out of him when your ready…. if you need more strategy dont play with this deck you will get raped with it and if you want to give it half a star, feel free to do it ‘