Machine Test To 5 with Test 6

Title: Machine Test To 5 with Test 6
Author: Adam "Vincent Vega" Beauchamp
Date: Aug 16, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective - 1 MWYHL

Locations - 7 Dagobah Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Dagobah Swamp Dagobah Jungle Dagobah Bog Clearing Dagobah Training Area Cloud City Lower Corridor

Characters - 12 Yoda Daughter of Skywalker Luke with Saber x2 Obi with Saber x2 Han with Blaster x2 Orriamrko Tawss Khaa Melas BoShek

Effects - 14 The Way Of Things Wise Advice Battle Plan Your Insight Serves You Well Honor of the Jedi Projection of a Skywalker x2 Frozen Assets x2 Yoda’s Hope Draw Their Fire Bacta Tank Order to Engage Uncontrolable Fury

Interrupts - 15 Heading For The Medical Frigate The Signal x2 On the Edge x3 Out of Commission x2 Lost in the Wilderness Alter It Could Be Worse x2 Weapon Levitation Rebel Barrier Grimtaash

Starships - 3 Red Leader in Red 1 Gold Leader in Gold 1 Lando in Millinium Falcon

Devices - 2 Landing Claw x2

Jedi Test - 6 All 6 of ‘em’

Strategy: ‘

I decided to use easy to track 5’s for the 5th test instead of playing many 7’s. If you want you could drop one of the Out of Commissions for a used 6 to search for with test 4 and use for test 5, but I chose to go with 2 OOCs. This deck is designed to slow the other decks down so you can finish tests 1-3. Once test 2 and 3 are done your characters and starships will be hard to take down, so that is good. If space is big in your area, add a home one, but the 3 ships turn out to be quite effective, and if you finish test 4, you can put Han in Gold 1, and Luke on the Falcon to take out the opponents space fleet. Lateral Damage can be scary so try to have the alter ready, and once you flip you can abuse alter and test 4 every turn if necesarry. Certain cards I have included just to abuse with test 4, including grimtaash, rebel barrier, Alter, etc. Frozen Assets is for Ralltiir and Imperial Barrier, but watch out for Operational as Planned as anti-FA tech. Here is what I do vs. Specific decks.

Big Blue - They will have to spread out to do enough damage, and test 1 makes kashyyyk suck, and landing claws will help slow down 2 other sites. Once testing is done, you can fight where they seem weakest, but be ready for lateral damage. Add a Home 1 if this is big in your area, but I don’t ever seem to have trouble beating this deck. Test 6 will help you catch up, and if they play ground sites, beat them off of them with authority.

Ralltiir - Projection two of their sites and put a landing claw at kashyyyk, and when you flip, come down hard at the weakest ralltiir site, and either order to engage them to death or frozen assets them into submission. Han and Luke together will be huge. Keep retrieving the Frozen Assets until they die.

Court - Test 1 and Projection shut them down for a bit, and Honor of the Jedi makes the Direct Damage stop bleeding. If it is normal alien court, just put Obi, Luke, and Han on Tatooine and beat them off, but if they play musicians, be careful, and come down hard.

TIES - A weakness, if they put dreadnaughts out, latch on to them. Alter can be huge if timed right, and the grimtaash is money, so use it when you can, retrieve it, and try to grimtaash them every time they draw cards. If theyspread out, fight where they are weak, move to a dreadnaught, and latch on. Hope for them to get a system lite draw.

Dark Deal - Some people seem to think Test 1 doesn’t stop a flipped Dark Deal, but it does. Come down hard with ability 4 peeps after test 3, and win. Not a terribly popular deck.

Thats it for the decks in our meta. Thanks for reading, Adam “Vincent Vega” Beauchamp ‘